United Kingdom
as a new gardener do i need to pull up my violas when they finish gardening please?
30 Nov, 2009
Featured on:
pansies and violas
I wish I had Violas that did my gardening ;-)
The normal thing is to remove them especially if they have grown very leggy, however you could if you want cut them back by half and see if they re-shoot again. You have nothing to lose. Just make sure that they haven't gone straw coloured and still look green or you would be wasting your time. There may well be a few seedlings popping up here and there too.
30 Nov, 2009
30 Nov, 2009
:-))) I'm so glad that we agreed, Fractal!
30 Nov, 2009
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I do - but only after I let them seed themselves, (which they do). I pull them out when I want to plant new annuals in late spring.
I keep mine going for ages by regular dead-heading and cutting back the leggy bits. To get self-sewn seedlings, I leave the last heads on, of course!
30 Nov, 2009