By Cynthia
United States
Somehting has eaten all of my granddaughters pansis. Do you think it was Rabbits? She loves flowers, is only 8 years old and heart broken!
26 May, 2010
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pansies and violas
I'd put my money on the ******* slugs, I'm so sorry for your granddaughter. Would replanting in a pot with anti-slug copper tape or ring be any good?
26 May, 2010
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I have pansies in a part of the garden that rabbits have access to. They had a little nibble when the plants went in but haven't been back for seconds.
I'm coming to the conclusion that rabbits are unpredictable in what they'll eat. There are lists of so-called "rabbit-proof" plants on t'internet that have plants on them like arabis and euphorbia (euphorbia amygdaloides purpurea) that MY rabbits have devoured to pathetic little stumps.
P.S. slugs and snails also eat pansies.
26 May, 2010