By Norfolkapple
United Kingdom
Is anybody else still finding cabbage white caterpillars?
I don't use pesticides and walking among the winter greens a couple of days ago I found 4 or 5 munching away at the leaves.
6 Dec, 2009
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winter vegetables
Yes, they have thrived this summer, next year I will use some enviromesh to protect the crop. I was buzzed by a Queen bumble bee too just a few days ago..
6 Dec, 2009
Not cabbage whites, but I'm still being plagued by catapillars at the moment - was picking them off plants in the greenhouse yesterday and the temp had been minus 4 only a couple of days before! Tussie - I was buzzed by a wasp yesterday!
7 Dec, 2009
For the last couple of years I have noticed Bees even into January on my Mahonia which is in flower now and will still be through till about Feb/March and it seems.the Mahonia seems to attract them
8 Dec, 2009
I wonder if that is good or bad for the bees Paul...?
9 Dec, 2009
Not sure Sid, but they always seem to visit it. I saw one yesterday as well! Mind you, the weather has still been reasonably mild here up until last couple of days and still no ground frost yet this wautumn/winter!
12 Dec, 2009
Saw a red admiral butterfly a few days ago too!
13 Dec, 2009
Amazing, yes! Our climateand seasons are all over the place, it seems!
13 Dec, 2009
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Yes, I have some on some Nasturtiums that are still growing/flowering. And the last couple of years when I had Brussels Sprouts in the ground(Not grown any this year) I had to keep picking the baby catterpillars/eggs off virtually all throiugh the winter!
6 Dec, 2009