By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Pine Tree Identity Please.
I collected some pine cones from the ground in Paris around 10 years ago and grew 4 of these trees. I've often wondered what they are.

13 Dec, 2009
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Ok Bulbaholic, thank you
13 Dec, 2009
I think it is Picea sitchensis Sitks Spruce. It looks to be growing too loosely to be the Blue Pices pungens. which has similar but extra prickly foliage.. Bluespruce will be a better judge.
13 Dec, 2009
Thank you Poaannua.
13 Dec, 2009
You must be so proud Dawn to have grown these from cones.
13 Dec, 2009
I am really DRC. We took our daughter to Euro Disney when she was about 10 years old. I'm not into all that but the grounds there were beautiful, lots of trees and bamboo carefully planted. I picked the cones up on a pathway and brought them home, put them in the greenhouse and sort of forgot about them and then they sprouted ...... the rest is history :-)
13 Dec, 2009
how pleasing I had no idea.
13 Dec, 2009
Hi Dawn, Could do with a better close-up of the foliage, especially the reverse. It could be Picea omorika, but do need a bit more detail in the photo.
14 Dec, 2009
I grew some picea abies(norway spruce) from seed once(chiltern seeds) and had to stratify them in the 'fridge a couple survived and were in pots as christmas trees for a few years.
Are you aroud the Charnwood area Dawn some of your photos made me wonder
14 Dec, 2009
Hi I got out my Mountain Plants book from the West and it look like a Noble Fir tree Subalpine Fir Abies Lasiocarpa. But I would need to see the pine cone to make sure they look round and grow upward in my book I think you did a great job getting them to grow.
14 Dec, 2009
Think, it's Picea abies...this name also has many synonyms...
14 Dec, 2009
Dawn - With the absence of a new close-up, If you can at least confirm that the reverse side of the needles are silvery, then it is almost certainly a spruce, Picea omorika. With respect to Lujean, absolutely no way is it a fir.
14 Dec, 2009
Hello Everyone, thank you to you all and sorry for the late response - work today.
Bluespruce: I'll take a close up tomorrow - in the meantime I've found a couple more photos that may be useful. I've replaced the photos and the first pic shows one of the branches turned up, showing the reverse side of the needles which are silvery.
Pamg, you can't be far from me, but I'm not near Charnwood, Im a couple of miles from Ashby de la Zouch.
14 Dec, 2009
It s all good we had fun looking it up thanks for the lessons
14 Dec, 2009
Third photo taken today :-) Hope this helps.
15 Dec, 2009
No doubts Dawn, Picea omorika (Serbian Spruce)
15 Dec, 2009
Thank you sooo much BlueSpruce. I've just been googling it - I'm pleased you've identified it as this tree and its nice to know they are only going to reach around 2m high. All 4 are set about 3 metres apart - I should probably give them the loving care they deserve.
15 Dec, 2009
Dawn, glad to be of help, but 2m high!..not for the straight species that you have, in cultivation ultimate height will be 20 -25m
15 Dec, 2009
Oh right, a bit bigger than I expected then. Nice tree though. I can post a picture now with an ID. Is it OK if I name you as the Identifier?
15 Dec, 2009
If you want to Dawn, but on the other hand I wouldn't be offended if you didn't :0)
15 Dec, 2009
OK Blue, thank you.
15 Dec, 2009
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Could be a spruce but I would wait for Bluespruce to notice the question.
13 Dec, 2009