By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
This is My Bluespruce that had Red Spider Mites last year :( I sprayed with a Suitable Solution but My Poor Tree still looks very unwell, Iv asked Bluespruce 4 his help as i thought it was dead ! :/

17 Dec, 2009
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Many Many Thanx its helps a lot :) X
17 Dec, 2009
I once had a Picea pungens Koster, but no more.
I put in the only sunny spot in my old garden - which was unfortunately next to the bird feeder and the birds kept on landing on it and killed its leader.
I then planted it in my new sunny garden so that it could recover. But it developed a new problem - aphids! The lovely blue needles turned grey and dropped off.....until the new growth came each year
I couldn't spray it with systemic insecticide (too many places for them to hide for a contact insecticide) as it was right next to the pond!
When I put a white piece of paper underneath the branches and hit them, massive blue aphids dropped off.
Each year it got worse, so in the end I dug it up and planted a Picea pungens Hoopsii (away from the pond).
It also gets aphids, but they are no problem as I can safely spray it without risk to the fish.
I ofter hear about red spider mites on conifers, but have only even seen aphids on mine.
(I had to return the first P. p. Hoopsii that I bought from the garden section of a nearby botanical gardens as it was already suffering from aphid invasion. When I took it back, another person had also just returned theirs - with the exact same problem. Grey and aphid-ridden.... )
17 Dec, 2009
Unfortunately you can't see Red Spider, you only notice the problem when it's too late.
17 Dec, 2009
The Picea albertiana types at work (along with P. pungens) seem particularly palatable to them. Agree with all that has been said above.
The Spruce aphid is another problem pest as Longleaf mentions. It's pale yellow usually and very small in size though not as small as the mites which are really tiny. The problem with both is you don't notice them until the effects.
At least the tips are still active on all your shoots Jacque so it will grow out of it's current predicament, especially if planted.
18 Dec, 2009
ps, the massive grey aphids you mention Longleaf are yet a different species that I have seen on several Pinus (especially in the sylvestris group including tabuliformis, resinosa, densiflora and mugo).
I have spotted them on Picea too.
Keep an eye out for wasps making frequent visits to the plant as they are a good tell tale sign that aphids are active.
18 Dec, 2009
:( So many Aphids & Problems they cause :( I do hope My poor tree will return to its old self ?
18 Dec, 2009
If your plant does fail, which I don't think it will, you could always choose a blue Fir (Abies). They are much less prone to attack by aphids or mites indeed, I haven't heard of them attacking firs at all.
18 Dec, 2009
Thanx 4 Advising me on furture Trees Fractal :)X
18 Dec, 2009
Well you have now Fractal! :o)
I have the blue fir Abies lasiocarpa 'Compacta', which is probably the only blue fir ever seen in garden centers. My plant is about 25 years old, and over that time it has suffered several Aphid attacks, and it's those big black/grey horrible Jobies! that seem to go for it.
18 Dec, 2009
Lol! Oh well, well are all still learning. Thanks for that info. I gave my mum a dwarf form of A. lasiocarpa so had better keep an eye on it!
Thanks Bs.
18 Dec, 2009
Still, it's a far easier conifer to grow than some of the pungens and glauca variaties :0)
18 Dec, 2009
Im learning so much from u all Many thanx every 1 :)
19 Dec, 2009
Just thinking Jacque, it's a shame there isn't a facility for posting pics when questions are being answered, sometimes another pic by a respondent can say much more than trying to always give advise or an explanation in words ?
19 Dec, 2009
Thats a great Idea BlueS how about putting it to the Guys ? Im sure theyl see it makes sence :)
20 Dec, 2009
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Sorry Jacque, didn't notice this till after I commented on your photo.
Just to update a bit further.
Yes the spruce is still very much alive, and will recover with a bit of TLC. Really needs to go in the ground, a sunny open position would be ideal.
Blue spruce in particular are susceptible to red spider. Preventative spraying is far more effective than once the problem has already occurred. As early as February should be the first application especially if weather is mild, then possibly a further two or three applications throughout the growing season would be ideal. You can also spray with water on occasions during spring and summer, as the humidity created helps deter the mites, although this is not a foolproof method of protection, it does go someway to preventing major outbreaks, and is a bit more environmentally friendly. Hope this helps.
17 Dec, 2009