By Lesleyk
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
what is a habaceous border
21 Jan, 2013
Featured on:
herbaceous perennials
Thanks for the information I really do appreciate the advice.
21 Jan, 2013
I remember nearly falling over laughing when an Allotment Steward asked me this question.
22 Jan, 2013
A very accurate description from Moongrower there, although I have an alternative one - it's everything she said plus a completely empty, often tatty looking area all winter. Not great in smaller, urban gardens...
22 Jan, 2013
That too is true Bamboo... I personally would not go with a herbaceous border for that reason. You need bulbs, corms and tubers to add winter and early spring life.
22 Jan, 2013
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A herbaceous border is a collection of perennial herbaceous plants i.e. plants that live for more than two years and are soft-stemmed and non-woody and die back completely in late autumn. These are arranged closely together, usually to create a dramatic effect through colour, shape or scale. So at front of border you have low perennials working up to very tall ones at the back. If it is an island bed the tall ones are in the middle.
21 Jan, 2013