July sunshine - mainly Phlox
By sheilabub
One of these days I will take some lessons in photography! Meanwhile this is the best I can do . . .
Phlox carolina ‘Magnificence’
Phlox paniculata Blue
Perennial Sweet Pea
Acer corner with bonsai Copper Beech (white patches are just the sun on the leaves)
Clematis Sieboldii, finally flowering :)
Physocarpus Diabolo d’or
Phlox Bright Eyes?
Eupatorium with Phlox maculata ‘Alpha’
Geranium Ann Folkard with Petunia Tidal Wave
Hope you are having a sunny day too. x
16 Jul, 2021
Previous post: Gardens on TV
Next post: Bonsai for Chiara and Francesca
very sunny here and had a lovely 40 mile motorbike ride.
my phlox are behind yours and not in flower yet. they look lovely too.
16 Jul, 2021
Thanks very much Ange and Eileen. I’ll admit I had no idea that these Phlox wouldn’t flower until July, and I’m amazed at their height. Mind you many things have grown tall so I suppose it’s down to all the wet and warmth 🙂.
16 Jul, 2021
Your Phlox look lovely as do the Petunias!
Your photos are also quite good but try not to take photos in the future in full sunlight so you will avoid the white spots where the sunlight is too strong. I've found that that is the only way to avoid it. A little cloud or another time of the day without the sunlight on the plants will give much better results! 😃
16 Jul, 2021
Some lovely Phlox there Sheila and I love the shade of your perenial sweetpea. I had one at my last house, but it was rather pale and not very interesting. I hope you're enjoying the summer weather.
16 Jul, 2021
Thank you David … and for your good advice 🙂. I’m afraid I often just grab the camera when I feel like it, without forethought, but I will try to be more careful.
Thanks Julia. That’s interesting … in fact the camera lies! The Sweet Pea is really a vibrant ‘fuchsia’ pink, and I’m delighted with it 🙂.
16 Jul, 2021
That sounds even better. I think it's a shame they don't have any perfume, unlike their annual cousins.
17 Jul, 2021
True, but they do grow more strongly!
17 Jul, 2021
17 Jul, 2021
You’ve a lovely collection of phlox, Sheila. I do love your clematis, what a beautiful flower! Th colours are so attractive. Acer corner is looking serene..
17 Jul, 2021
Lovely flowers, especially the Clem. My Phlox are tall but not yet in bloom, neither are the Geraniums. You have a nice selection of colours.
17 Jul, 2021
You’re very kind, Kate, thank you 🙂.
Thanks Josee 🙂.
17 Jul, 2021
Your a girl after my own heart I too just grab the camera when the mood takes me, but I will try and take a leaf from Balconys book. Your phlox are way in front of mine which are just begining to bud, and I do like that little copper beech maple.
18 Jul, 2021
Thanks very much … lovely comments Phyl 🙂.
18 Jul, 2021
I've always loved the Copper Beech. The bonsai is a clever idea. I enjoyed the whole tour Sheila.
18 Jul, 2021
Thank you for your comments Paul 🙂.
18 Jul, 2021
My Phlox are just beginning to open but like yours they are very tall this year, in fact everything is reaching for the sky except me, lol, you have a lovely selection.. I love your Acer corner Sheila and the clematis is a beauty, I've lost two to the dreaded wilt again this year, both of them were flowering and seemed to be doing well, I took them out of the ground and back into pots last year, keep the pots in the shade to protect from the sun but it has made no difference, my pink one is flourishing very well...Lovely photo's Sheila....
20 Jul, 2021
Thanks Lincs, but so sorry about your Clems … very upsetting for you.
20 Jul, 2021
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You have a lot of my favourite perennials there, Sheila. I can't grow phlox as well as you. You have some lovely colours. Eupatorium is lovely, too, I think, such interesting leaves and colour. And physocarpus is my favourite shrub of all. I have a white Sieboldii, sent to me in error and I'm at a bit of a loss to know what to do with it! It's flowered madly in the greenhouse this summer. Your photography is fine.
16 Jul, 2021