By Sunshines
United Kingdom
i have put some perennial flowers in the border is woth feeding them now or wait till the spring .kind regards
19 Aug, 2014
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herbaceous perennials
hi loosestrife thanks so much .kind regards
19 Aug, 2014
Autumn is normally the time that we split perennials and replant in the UK. I agree, no fertiliser.
19 Aug, 2014
Sorry Loosestrife autumn or late summer is the time to plant or mover perennials, at least in the UK. Until fairly recently all moving planting was done in the autumn not the spring!
19 Aug, 2014
No problem. Being wrong has never been a source of dissapointment to me. Wrong helps me to find what right is.
19 Aug, 2014
thanks to all kind regards
20 Aug, 2014
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Planting perennials this time of year with the beginning of the hot day-cold night cycle with ever decreasing daylight time for growth is not too good of an idea since this places the new plantings under additional stress on top of the one that they are already under, namely that they are new plantings. Forget about the fertilizer, just make sure they have good soil to develop a root system in. Personally, I don't fertilize my perennials and there are probably differences of opinion with regards to that among GOY members.
19 Aug, 2014