By Pc0013634
United Kingdom
how to recognise french marigold seeds. I wanted to gather some from my own plant. But there only seem to be lots of short narrow things with spines on one side. Where these the seed pods? beacause I do not remember anything else apperaring on the flowers other than these. i would like some advice as this is the only french marigold I have liked. Lots of flowers, small bushey and a lovely orange colour.
30 Jan, 2010
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Hi Pc0013634 and welcome to GoY, if you are trying to gather seed now you are far to late - what you are seeing is the remains of the seed pods, the seed itself will be in or on the ground and has probably started to germinate. You need to gather seed as soon as the seed pod ripens, once the flower has gone over keep a watch and as soon as the seed pod is dry pick and tease open over white paper. If the seeds are black/dark brown they are ripe... you will be able to gather all the seed you need and more from just one plant.
30 Jan, 2010