Name of these marigolds?
By Richardpeeej
United Kingdom
This is a pot of marigolds I grew from seed can't find the name of them though as I lost the original packet-anyone know what they are called?

21 Aug, 2009
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Thanks Amblealice
21 Aug, 2009
Sorry to disagree, but they're not African marigolds, they're French marigolds, Tagetes patula - which particular variety though, I'm not sure. Unless, that is, your plants are taller than they look - if they're up to 18 inches, they're Afro-French marigolds, single group! Complicated, ain't it! Save the seeds if you want more next year - not sure if they come true, but they might.
22 Aug, 2009
Actually....think you'r right Bamboo, they do not appear to be as tall as I thought at first.....of course.....we could BOTH be right:)))))....LOL
22 Aug, 2009
They are not very tall Bamboo and Amblealice 'French marigolds' seem to ring a bell now- I have had a look for some pictures on google but can't find any that look like these. Thanks for your replies anyway I'll keep on looking.
22 Aug, 2009
French it is then:)))))))))))))))
22 Aug, 2009
Mystery solved they are french marigolds 'Naughty Marietta' I found them looking through pictures of french marigolds on the thompson and morgan web site. Thanks all for the help - I might have guessed it had to be something naughty!
23 Aug, 2009
Naughty but nice...:)))).....actually I don't particularly like French or African marigolds {blush}..........
23 Aug, 2009
That's OK Amblealice its good that we don't all like the same things - there would be many shortages then!
23 Aug, 2009
Previous question
Looks like a variety of African Marigolds....
21 Aug, 2009