United Kingdom
Could anyone identify this rogue plant that has found its way into my neighbour's garden. Ignore the deep red (maroon flower) as that is from a Dhalia which was grown from seed by myself. Any suggestions would be fantastic. Its standing approx 3 foot tall at present

30 Aug, 2013
I agree, it looks like a rather poor variety, probably a seedling from the one alongside. They don't set much seed, but it looks like that one managed it!
30 Aug, 2013
Is it the tall plant with the round orange flowers? Could it be a buddleia globeros a ? Can seed themselves from a distance and grow quite tall.
30 Aug, 2013
Does look similar to a buddleia globerosa, but the leaves are slightly different and the so called flowers are not as globe like? Its a complete mystery!! Don't think its from the dahlia family as it has no petals and the growing habit is completely different. I have grown dahlias for years from seed but have never seen anything like this before. Thank you for all your suggestions, I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens
31 Aug, 2013
I think that it is another dahlia.
30 Aug, 2013