By Lemondog
United Kingdom
as you will know i am making a wild life garden in my back garden i have the trees and shrubs in. now i need plants for the seed heads to feed the birds. any ideas?
26 Feb, 2010
Featured on:
plants to attract birds
plants to attract bees and butterflies
thanks jac
26 Feb, 2010
Your vw LemonD :)
26 Feb, 2010
cant you buy packs of wild seeds all in one packet .you can from a place called chiltern seeds if you dont know of one.take care bye for now
26 Feb, 2010
I know that goldfinches love thistles and teazles!
26 Feb, 2010
thanks folks i have managed to get a packet of teasels and two mixed varieties but have got any thistles yet!
27 Feb, 2010
Do let us know how you get on with your wildlife garden. I'm sure many of us would be really interested to hear.
I haven't grown wild flowers although quite a few have come up on their own, such as jack-by-the-hedge (garlic mustard) a fairly attractive plant which some butterflies like for their caterpillars. Orange tip will use it if there are no milkmaids available.I also have a clump of nettles which pops up each year behind the compost heap and is a good food plant for small tortoiseshell and red admiral caterpillars. If you've got a dampish spot for milkmaids I'm sure they'd be appreciated!
27 Feb, 2010
Thanks i will keep you updated i have a patch of nettles that i let grow each year and i cut some down and leave others to flower as i read somewhere that nettles were the only food for a small species of moth !
28 Feb, 2010
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Hi LemonD iv added your Question to Wildlife/Plants 2 Attract Birds/Bees&Butterfles in hope ul find some great ideas for your New Wildlife Friendly Garden in them :) all u need to do is Click on them 2 open the Page :) Good Luck Jac:)
26 Feb, 2010