By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
I have just finished making a 'bug hotel' with my two boys. We haven't quite finished filling it up as I need to scour my garden for more recyclable items. What do you think? Any suggestions of what materials I could use to attract a certain type of (beneficial) insect?
Your suggestions always much appreciated.

13 Nov, 2013
I have a bundle of bamboo cane hollowed out and tied together (large type) about .5 in diameter and 6 inches long I found it attracts queen bees to hibernate over the winter I just hung it in a tree and last year I had an abundance of bees in my garden to pollinate my fruit trees and other plants it was the most bees I have seen around my garden in a long time last year - Ken
13 Nov, 2013
Looks inviting. My mobile home's a bit bleak in winter and your build looks far more weather resistant! Any chance this 'bug' could rent?
13 Nov, 2013
Thanks for all the suggestions. Will collect some straw and egg boxes. Also got a couple of empty loo rol holders which I have filled with dry leaves. Any suggestions of wildlife plants I could plant aound it? I heard comfrey (spelling?) was a good plant? It's going to be very cosy in there!!
13 Nov, 2013
A little mound of stones/boulders might be useful. I've also seen images where books have been also been used.
13 Nov, 2013
I find heads of viburnum bonariensis and michaelmas daisy shelter quite a few bugs such as ladybirds through the winter if left on the plant. They creep down into the seed heads. Allium Christopheri stems work too, in a bundle stuffed into a flowerpot--rather like the bamboo I suppose.
I think it's a great idea to make a bug hotel with your children and I'm going to do the same with my grandsons! It won't be big enough for Hortum though!
13 Nov, 2013
Great guys. Will spend weekend gettng last bits together so I can then leave it well alone for winter. My son said we should get invited to the house warming party!
13 Nov, 2013
Just a word of caution re comfrey - it does spread with great enthusiasm so avoid planting it in beds where there are other plants as it pops up everywhere. But bees love it in summer and you can make plant food or compost with the leaves. Also it makes a good poultice for sprains.
14 Nov, 2013
Rotting wood, decaying leaf and plant matter will be home to some life such as Woodlice. It is a herbivorous animal and rarely eats live plants, feeding on decaying matter such as leaves, rotting wood and fallen tree fruits so is a good thing to attract in a garden.
14 Nov, 2013
I have just posted a couple of photos of the bug hotels we had at Suntrap Garden.
15 Nov, 2013
your doing very well, add different size cavity timbers such as bamboo where insects can be safe, but be careful not to make it a 4 star hotel as you might encourage mice/rats.
13 Nov, 2013