United Kingdom
hi! im Elizabeth
just wondering what is the best plants for a best look for a cottege garden because im stuck in converting a small part of my garden i want to attract bugs and lots of butterfly's the patch is 5m by 4m
13 Apr, 2010
You could also try bergamot, ox -eye daisy golden marguerite, dill, the field poppy, field scabious, poached egg plant, honeysuckle, lavender, heliotrope, and probably less attractive for insects but good for winter colour interest, hardy carnations/dianthus and various euphorbia species.
13 Apr, 2010
Don't forget candytuff and wallflowers for the moths and foxgloves
14 Apr, 2010
Word of warning re Bergamot - I have monarda didyama & it has spread prodigiously if it's happy! I don't mind personally.
The foliage has a wonderful scent.
14 Apr, 2010
Previous question
Gosh... so many options lupins, delphiniums, canterbury bells, hostas, hollihocks, buddlea, spring and summer flowering bulbs of course, aubretia and otehr low (ground covering) perennials... lucky you a new canvas to play with :-)
13 Apr, 2010