United Kingdom
My trailing begonia corms have grown well over the last fortnight after a very slow start. The corms themselves are about 3" across, but I've never grown before for hanging baskets. How many will I need for a 14" hanging basket - I have no idea how prolific these will be. Can anyone suggest? Also do they like quite a lot of water once all leafed & stemmed?
23 May, 2010
Hi Cg.......I used to grow these and would think just 2 for your basket...they'll put on a lot of growth so will need a good amount of room.
23 May, 2010
Thanks DD / Janey - I had 200+ bedding ones last year (just plugs) bought from GDirect but they just never grew at all. I don't know yet if they were overwatered or underwatered. This year, after 6 weeks of patience & watering, I've finally got some bedding corms with leaves coming - but they've had to be absolutely swimming in water before they produced leaves. In fact to the point that they are turning green with the water, but it's with this that they are now starting to grow !!! The trailing ones look better, but again had to have their bums soaking in water before the shoots finally turned to leaf. Here's hoping I can keep them alive :o) Can I ask that once they have some roots & leaves, I presume it is ok to pot them up & water from the top rather than the bottom ?
23 May, 2010
Yes...as long as you dont drench the corm...as it is the bowl shape, water could rot it.
23 May, 2010
I thought I had been overwatering mine as the stems were rotting, but the soil is quite dry. Do you think I should keep the compost quite wet?
24 May, 2010
the compost needs to be kept moist but avoid water getting into the indented top of the corm.
24 May, 2010
Thanks Rohima
24 May, 2010
I used to have the Trailing ones too,and found they did best if not in full sun all the time.Mine were in a trough on a north facing wall,and flowered well.Don't know if this helps your problem at all,as they may have dried out too much if in a hot position,hence you having to keep watering them.I agree with Rohima,the corm needs to be kept quite dry,and to water around the edges,if possible..good luck.
24 May, 2010
Thanks all - a bit of good luck required I think :o)
24 May, 2010
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I envy you! I never have any luck with begonias, either corms or plants and I love them. Good luck with them.
23 May, 2010