By Brianchit
Is there a good all purpose potting compost without bits of rubbish mixed in?
8 Mar, 2014
Wickes multi purpose compost in a green bag.
8 Mar, 2014
Last time I tried Wicks it was full of rubbish .
Verve BQ to has been not bad but do prefer Horizon
8 Mar, 2014
Just bought and used Verve(b&q) today and looks good keep away from wilkos if last year was anything to go by it was terrible.
8 Mar, 2014
last year i used a durstons grow bag, found it was good had a variety of seeds and seedlings that did really well and got it through milk and more so was delivered for free to my doorstep the next morning :)
8 Mar, 2014
I like Arthur Bowers - no rubbish so far.
8 Mar, 2014
Levisons used to be good but now it is like most that I have seen, lots of pieces of wood and I find that most of them seem to have a lot of weed seeds in them, I thought that it was supposed to be treated but I must be wrong I don't know about anyone else, I bought Miracle Grow once and that had everything you could think of in it,i.e. bark, twigs, fencing panel wood, will never buy that again.
8 Mar, 2014
Plenty if you are prepared to spend a bit extra and buy a lot at a time.
9 Mar, 2014
Like Catty, I get Durston gro bags and compost from Milk and More. I don't drive a car and so it's convenient to have it delivered free of charge. Most things grow ok and it doesn't have bits of rubbish in it either.
9 Mar, 2014
Just the same as you John, up until two years ago I bought Miracle Grow but it became full of rubbish to cut down the amount of peat. Likewise with Wickes. Lately I have been using Grow Wise, although it is an economy brand it contains little rubbish and can be bought from garden centres.
9 Mar, 2014
Absolutely brilliant compost! Used by many professional growers.
9 Mar, 2014
EEK! I've just bought 3 bags of Miracle Grow, thinking it should be a better bet ! Haven't opened it yet. Will do so with some trepidation tomorrow!
9 Mar, 2014
Scotkat: I've got this year's Wickes compost and its fine, no lumps of rubbish. I understand the one they sell which is labelled peat free, not in a green bag, is a bit rubbishy, but I haven't tried it - that's why I recommended the stuff in the green bag specifically.
10 Mar, 2014
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I have came across Horizon and like it the best so far no rubbish in it.
8 Mar, 2014