By Cjhines
United Kingdom
I have some wierd things on my Acer Palmatum Burgundy Lace can anyone tell me what they are and if I need to get rid of them and how if possible. As you may have learnt I am no gardener I just like plants
On plant
Acer palmatum

6 Jun, 2010
Many thanks for your swift response.
6 Jun, 2010
It could be lichen (need a closer pic to be sure) which is harmless to the tree and is a good indicator of clean air.
6 Jun, 2010
A close up is now for you to view. (this is where I get told I am a bad gardener)
7 Jun, 2010
They are indeed scale insects, Cushion scale to be exact :-)
7 Jun, 2010
Thank you for your confirmation.
8 Jun, 2010
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Previous question
They look like cushion scale. Use methalated spirits and paintbrush to remove them. You could use an insecticide if you wanted but if they are grouped together in distinct patches, just remove with meths.
6 Jun, 2010