By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
I have just discovered Lavender is the French National Flower. Does anyone have a list of the National Flowers
of other countries ?
It would be nice to know.
16 Aug, 2014
Isn't the fleur de lys a lily?
16 Aug, 2014
Thanks for correcting me Urbanite. The head was thinking Lily and the fingers typed Iris.
That stems many years back when I was doing some decorating research, I had read that the Fleur de lys is actually a stylised version of both.
16 Aug, 2014
Thank you Scottish. This will be interesting !
17 Aug, 2014
I tried it twice, comes up with ' Does not exist.'
Help !
17 Aug, 2014
I don't know where lily came from - just one of those bits of trivia that rattle around. Do the French have a national flower? Their emblem is a rooster.
I saw a big exhibition in the Bois de Vincennes one year (mid-late 90s) dedicated to the iris - I'd always liked irises but that exhibition was stunning - thousands of flowers - though I don't recall it being about the iris as a national emblem. I can sort of see how the lavender gets in there as well, but then the sunflower would also have a case!
17 Aug, 2014
Diane if you have trouble with the link just Google list of national flowers and you'll get many choices.
Urbanite I had a look around and depending on which site you visit gives the lily and the iris as the national flower.
I also came across a couple of sites listing lavender as the national flower of Portugal.
Diane if you find out more please share.
17 Aug, 2014
Try this one:
17 Aug, 2014
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Try here Diane
wikipedia also have much more information. Although I always thought the national flower of france was the Iris. As in the Fleur de lis emblem.
16 Aug, 2014