By Tobysmum
United Kingdom
all my perianuall seeds set in march are all small should i resow now for next year or plant out and see how they go?
14 Jun, 2010
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herbaceous perennials
I would expect a lot of perennials to be small if sown in March, so do give us some names and even a pic ? so you can get better info.
15 Jun, 2010
they all have been put into bigger pots and have been hardend (left out).
names of plants.
double carnations,night scented stock,dwarf lupins,gardillos,gaznias,amaranthus.they all look healthy ,i have put some of each out these now look too small. the peurvian lillys were planted last seotember and have dissapeared completly. thank you for repling as you can tell i am a novice in the garden love tobysmum
15 Jun, 2010
Many if not most perennials don't flower the first year from sowing as they need time to build up into decent plants. As long as they are still growing, just keep them weeded, give them space, and put them in their flowering positions in the autumn or better early spring next year. It's much easier to look after things once they are planted in the soil rather than pots, as it's easy to let them get too wet or dry out completely over winter when in pots.
15 Jun, 2010
thank you i shall do that .i was expecting mounds of blooms this year,now i know better.thanks tobysmum
15 Jun, 2010
As for the Peruvian lilies, I suspect that they are frost tender enough to have gone away in that monster winter you folks had. Night-scented stock and amaranthus are both annuals, and should be growing strong now to produce bloom in late summer, early fall--amaranths usually produce the best color as night temperatures are getting cooler. I confess that I don't know what gardillos are.
15 Jun, 2010
thanks gaillardia, does that help.
16 Jun, 2010
Yes, thank you, Tobysmum! Gaillardia might bloom late this summer, but it's more likely to bloom next summer. Chances of bloom this year are increased if it is one of the dwarf varieties, such as 'Goblin'.
16 Jun, 2010
that sounds good. should i leave the plants i have put in the garden out ?
16 Jun, 2010
None of the perennials you listed are particularly tender, so they should do fine over this winter, as long as they are in the ground. You might want to mulch the carnations some late this fall, in case you get another monster winter.
17 Jun, 2010
a mulching i will go!!!
17 Jun, 2010
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I'm sorry, Tobysmum, but what kind of plant? And are you saying that you now have seedlings growing indoors, but they are small?
15 Jun, 2010