By Cotton
United Kingdom
I have a plant that started growing in my garden and was told by youit was called Bears Breeches and is coming on lovely. Could anyone tell me how long that last and will they grow again next year, and if so how do I regrow them

8 Jul, 2010
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invasive plants
The plant will come up again next year without any help, but beware, it spreads like mad and you might have more plant than you want!
8 Jul, 2010
Sounds like my Rudbeckias....Cammomile
9 Jul, 2010
Thankyou for all your responses.
9 Jul, 2010
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the flower is long lived , several weeks. then the seed pods if left are rather nice too. it is a perennial and will come back year on year. getting bigger all the time. They can become a bit of a thug in time mind. I have a large clump that i have tried to thin out with a little success this spring.
8 Jul, 2010