By Kat956
United Kingdom
Can you use an indoor plant compost on outdoor potted plants?
27 Jul, 2017
I do it the other way around - I use a good multi purpose compost for my houseplants rather than paying for a special houseplant one. Probably be fine, but seems like a waste, since you will have paid a premium price for it.
27 Jul, 2017
Yep! It won't hurt.
Bamboo, I used multi purpose compost indoors & had hundreds of little flies in it, so never again LOL.
28 Jul, 2017
They are sciarid flies or fungus gnats, they lay their eggs in the compost & the maggots feed on decaying organic matter. I put a layer of grit on the top of compost to deter them.
28 Jul, 2017
some multipurpose composts are worse than others for lumpy woody bits, which is why I said a 'good' multi purpose. The other cause of these tiny flies is overly damp soil in the pot, but I've never had an issue with my Wickes multi purpose in houseplants.
28 Jul, 2017
I don't see why not, house-plant compost is just multipurpose compost in small bags, some has water retaining medium in it.
I read an interesting piece about how all the different composts are really variations on a theme in the main.
27 Jul, 2017