By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
My Mauve bowles wallflower has finished flowering. Can I prune the spent flower stalks back and will it come back into flower again?

3 Aug, 2019
I was wondering about the same thing Amsterdam. I took some cuttings last year but they're still quite small. Be good for next year I expect.
3 Aug, 2019
This will soon grow from your cuttings. Yes, it’s a brilliant plant which can flower for many months, but becomes very woody (and less pretty) after about three years. So with cuttings you will always have new, viable plants.
3 Aug, 2019
One of my favourite plants for all round interest..Cut off all the spent flowers stems,,and it will continue to throw up more .Don't be afraid to take out some of the woody stems to where you can see signs of growth lower down..I tend to deadhead on a regular basis..sometimes every couple of days..each flower stem doesn't last that long..As advised above,cuttings root so easily..
5 Aug, 2019
yes dead head and it will repeat off and on all year even in the milder winter months. remember to take cuttings from any none flowering stems as a safety measure in case you loose it. they are relatively shorted lived I find.
3 Aug, 2019