Winter vegetables
By Kelid
United Kingdom
I am a teacher and have an autistoc boy in my class (9 years old) who likes gardening. I have a small very sheltered courtyard next to my classroom. What vegetables can I plant in the autumn / winter for harvesting as soon as possible?
31 Aug, 2008
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winter vegetables
ideas for children
I don't know if this would be of any help but when it gets to this time of the year ( I also work with young children ) and we are talking about growing, etc I find that one of the easier things to grow at this time are cress seeds sown onto damp cotton wool shaped into the letter of the lads name. The kids love to see their initial sproting hair !! Speaking of hair the other good one is grass-heads made from a stocking, stuffed with sawdust with grass seeds sprinkled in first. Make a face by sewing / sticking on eyes, ears and the nose is made by wrapping an elastic band around a bunched up bit at the front. Sit the grass heads on a large plate and water them well. Baldies will start to sprout hair real soon. The children love these, they all look so different when a class of them are made and the children become very attached to them. As it grows they can give their own grass head a haircut, or leave it long. Not really what you wanted to do, I know but maybe it will keep his interest until the spring. Good luck.
31 Aug, 2008
Just had a thought - growing Coleus seeds might be fun for the kids - they are easy and if you get a mixed packet, they all come up different and very stricking colours. Good plants for kids - instant results more or less!
1 Sep, 2008
terrific idea, spinach should come up faily quickly, as will lettuce.garlics can be planted up in oct, and usually sprout within a few weeks.
1 Sep, 2008
what out door vegetables can i plant for autom/winter
16 Aug, 2009
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What a lovely idea and what a good teacher! And surely this would be great for all the kids? I grow lots of veggies, but I must admit, I've never tried sowing anything this time of year, as i always prefer to have an 'empty' veg plot to start afresh all dug over and manured in the spring. I know there are some things that can be sown in autumn - broad beans, early peas, etc, but they will not really start growing until early spring and there won't be a 'quick result' I expect you are looking for. Maybe in the meatime the little lad can grow some flower seeds as there is lots you can sow around this time of year. Hope this helps.
31 Aug, 2008