tulips, daffs, alliums
By Ladygardener
United Kingdom
i have been asked to plant some bulbs other than the above that will give early spring colour and cannot find anything different??!! any ideas!!?
thanks for any advice
27 Sep, 2008
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spring bulbs
I just planted some snakes head fritillary. Never grown them before so I hope they look as good as they do on the pack. I actually bought them from Poundland if you have one down in Kent. They are always good quality. (no I don't work there!)
27 Sep, 2008
Hyacinth, Crocus, Iris, Anenomes, Snowdrops, Grape Hyacinths, Bluebells.
27 Sep, 2008
27 Sep, 2008
Definitely crocus, lots of choice of colour; anemone blanda, they will keep coming up. Snakeshead fritillary are lovely, but not early, they don't flower (in my garden at least) intil after bluebells.
snowdrops are the most cheering thing, appearing long before anything else usually February.
27 Sep, 2008
I've put in Anenome Blanda and Bluebells for next Spring, I tried Snakeshead this year and had no flowers until late May.
27 Sep, 2008
Go along to Tilebarn Nurseries I think its Biddenden and speak to Peter Moore he is a committe member of the Cyclamen society. He will blow you away with his plants and knowledge AND hes in your area.
30 Sep, 2008
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How about Crocus tomassinianus is one of the earliest, but there are some lovely named varieties. My favourite for the Spring is Scilla siberica, it seeds irself once established and puts up with terrible weed killler and all sorts. There are Irises too.
27 Sep, 2008