Sown Some Sweetpeas Today
By jacque
I normaly Sow My Sweetpeas in Oct but i left them until now, I collected the Seeds from My Own Home Grown 1s last year
They Flowered 4 ages & gave me Loads 4 The House :)
Lets hope these 18 Pots Of 9 Seeds do as well ?
Another Little Thing i do 2 save on Labels is Place 6 Pots In A Tray & Put a Label in just 1 Pot ;)
Jac x
4 Feb, 2010
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you are on the ball jacque, not sure when to do mine with not having a greenhouse, think i will wait a while longer till no risk of frost, hope your do well ;o))
4 Feb, 2010
Thanx Megan/San :) I brought Sweetpea Plants in 2008 & Collected the Seeds From Them!! That makes these 1s their Great Grand Children lol :) I think u sow Sweetpeas outside in March San :)
4 Feb, 2010
Thanks for the reminder, I'll sow some tomorrow, the forecast is much better so I'll venture into the GH for the first time this year.
4 Feb, 2010
lol jacque and thanx for the tip ;o)))
4 Feb, 2010
Hi Heron uv still time even if u dont Venture out 2morrow :) Yw San :)
4 Feb, 2010
Yoi have been busy Jacque.Good tip for saving on labels too !
4 Feb, 2010
Hi Jane/Ray i enjoyed getting into GH today but i didnt sow as many Seeds as i wanted 2 so il try&get back out there again tomorrow ;)
4 Feb, 2010
You will have wonderful show this year Jacque...heres hoping for a long hot summer !
4 Feb, 2010
MMMMMmmmmmm that would be Wonderful wouldnt it :)
4 Feb, 2010
Think we all deserve one after what we just been through !
4 Feb, 2010
Your so rite Jane/Ray :)
4 Feb, 2010
Looking forward to lots of lovely pictures c, thats a good idea putting them in trays to save on labels!
4 Feb, 2010
Great tips Jacque I dont have a greenhouse either but good to know when to start sowing, I`m sure you will have wonderful colour i just love Sweet peas, a lovely old flower...:~)))
4 Feb, 2010
Hey, Jac - no newspaper pots this year?
I do hope we all get some great sweet peas this summer.....:-)))))
Your last year's ones look lovely.
4 Feb, 2010
Im hopeing most of those Seeds will grow HomeB :)I dont use the Trays 4 any thing else only standing Potted up Seeds/Plants In PP :) My Dad used to Grow them Mobee thats why i love`m so much :) Iv some Lovely Deep Plastic Pots this Year Spritz iv used, i only use the Paper 1s for potting on Larger Plants :)
4 Feb, 2010
You are way ahead of us Jacque , you will have a lovely show with all of those plants , the fragrance of them in the evenings will be wonderful :o)
4 Feb, 2010
I stared at Sweet Peas and Nasturtium seeds for I don't know how long when I was choosing my tidbit of seeds Jaque...but decided that I have had so many Nasties and Sweet Peas like to climb..and I have to keep what I plant in pots. I did see a short sweet pea but love the climbers so much, could not think of anyone grown the short version?
4 Feb, 2010
Good luck with them Jacque i love putting seeds in and watch them grow, i also put pots in tray and just use one label..
5 Feb, 2010
lovely pics jacque...........a wonderful reminder of things to come..........
5 Feb, 2010
Last year I grew some sweetpeas from seeds I had saved but they didn't grow as high as I'd hoped. Now I realise they should have gone in much earlier.
Did you soak the seeds Jacque?
5 Feb, 2010
As usual I sowed and planted 3 seeds at the end of the GH last back-end so, though I don't get many flowers, I do get them early. They are 4" high now. I've gone back to sowing 'Spencer's' as I like the pastel shades rather than the darker ones that I tried last year. For me the most important thing is the scent, which variety do you think is the best for scent.
6 Feb, 2010
I've just sown Sweet Peas, types are:
Bijou Mixed 18" high
Blue Velvet 6'
Cupani 6' a grandiflora from 1599 (allegedly ! ) amazing scent
Old Spice mixed 6' old fashioned heritage variety
Spencer mixed 6' we all love those
Swan Lake 6' large pure white blooms
Here's hoping they all germinate as i don't have a greenhouse !
6 Feb, 2010
Went to the garage to get the seeds - none where they should have been. Opened another drawer to check and out popped a very porky mouse! It'll be Thompson and Morgan then.
6 Feb, 2010
They're very tough Megan.
6 Feb, 2010
Well, time will tell . . . .
6 Feb, 2010
Isn't it an exciting time of year, you can feel the tension in the air. Eager fingers dying to snip the top off those seed packets (I've already shaken a few) OK we've sown the earlies but any day now we'll feel the long awaited sun on our backs and there'll be a hive of activity both in and out of the GH
7 Feb, 2010
I like being ahead Amy ;) Iv seen but never grown the Short 1s CatF but i hear they make lovely Container Traling Plants :)What Great Minds we have Clarice ;) Im looking forward to seing them so much Holly :D I never soak/Chip My Sweetpea Seeds Ginelle,Mine r the Old Fashioned Sweetpeas Heron I beleive they give the Best Perfume ? :)Good Luck with Yours Megan im sure they be fine as they sound sheltered :)
8 Feb, 2010
I chose the packets that said they were the most fragrant. I did the same last year and they certainly lived up to expectation! I usually take a small bunch to church on a Sunday, and everyone said that the perfume was lovely.
I'm intending to plant some more soon - to get later flowers as well as early ones, if I can.
8 Feb, 2010
Hi Spritz i love their Perfume like yourself :) I always think of My Dear Dad when i See/Smell them as he always grew his himself along with Asters for Long Summer Displays :) I remember Lily Of The Valley growing in his Garden 2 along with Loads of Beautiful Blue Grape Hyacinths :)
8 Feb, 2010
What a lovely memory, Jac. xx
8 Feb, 2010
I thinks his Love Of Flowers & Gardening rubbed off on me Spritz :) I miss him so much :( hes been gone 16yr this yr as u know nobody fills your Mum or Dads Place XXX
8 Feb, 2010
No - they don't. It's strange to be the 'mother' myself - apart from being a grandmother as well!
8 Feb, 2010
I often find myself Teaching My 2 Teenagers what My Parents taught me Spritz !! I find myself stopping & remembering the great memorys of My Youth :) I look forward to becoming a Grandmother :)
8 Feb, 2010
It's lovely to hold the babies in your arms and look for family resemblances, Jac. xx
See PM.
8 Feb, 2010
:) Thanx Spritz :)X
8 Feb, 2010
I collected some sweetpea seeds last year Jac. You have reminded me to get sowing! I can`t remember which type they are but never mind. :o)
Sandra x
8 Feb, 2010
Im sure whatever 1s uv got Sandra theyl look&smell great :) x
8 Feb, 2010
Ooooo - something nice to look forward to :-)
9 Feb, 2010
Hi Sarah have u sown any Seeds yourself yet? :)
9 Feb, 2010
OK, I will go out right away & buy some sweetpeas today. Thx, J. the blog was fun to read. I love the purple ones
9 Feb, 2010
The Purple 1 is My Fav 2 Doon :)
9 Feb, 2010
Hi Jac - yes, I've sown 5 different lots of seed so far. Did you see my last blog? I did a list of all the seeds I hope to sow this spring......think I've got a bit carried away tho LOL
10 Feb, 2010
Can never have to many Different Seeds Sarah :)
11 Feb, 2010
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Lathyrus Latifolius 'Pink Pearl'
£10.50 at Burncoose -
Lathyrus Latifolius 'White Pearl'
£10.50 at Burncoose -
Lathyrus Latifolius 'Red Pearl'
£10.50 at Burncoose -
Sweet Pea Seeds Everlasting Mix
£2.45 at Suttons Seeds -
Lathyrus Latifolius 'White Pearl' (Everlasting Sweet Pea)
£9.99 at Crocus
Beautiful colours, i can almost smell them !
4 Feb, 2010