By Halimar
United Kingdom
ive got a glut of toms/marrows/onions and peppers anyone know any recipes to make pickles and chutneys
thanks halimar thankyou to all my gyo friends 4 ur recipes for glut of veg [its been such a good year so far for my veg ,iwish i had shares in a freezer bag company] looking forward to doing some of the "good life" this weekend
21 Sep, 2011
Hi, Halimar - don't talk to me about gluts! I've been cooking for months. I'm sure I can find you a recipe for chutney if I go and look, and if no-one else comes up with anything (I rather doubt that is likely) but I've been making my tomato/onion glut into gorgeous soup - slice your toms in half (slices if they're really enormous) and arrange them in a thick layer in a large oven tray with sides, sprinkle with a little bit of sugar and some salt: slice up and add a couple of onions and maybe a clove or two of garlic if you like it: a sprinkle of olive oil - no, it doesn't have to be the extra virgin stuff, just make sure it is really fresh, not bitter or manky, put your oven on a low setting and roast the lot for an hour or two - maybe while you have something else cooking in there - no sense in wasting energy. This concentrates the flavour. Blitz everything and put into hot, sterilised (kilner) jars and get the lids on very tightly. You can sieve out all the blitzed seeds and skin if they bother you, but we eat the lot - preferably with warm, crusty home-made bread. Scrummy and really good for you. I forgot to say - you should really heat the soup up to boiling again after blitzing and before "potting up". Keeps well for months and months. Good luck!
21 Sep, 2011
Blitz ??
21 Sep, 2011
I think that means in a food procceser maggy please for give my spelling
21 Sep, 2011
Halimar if you keep them somewhere cool and dry your onions will store for months. If you have access to a freezer this is a far better way of keeping your soup than in kilner jars as you can freeze in small enough quantities for just one or two people.
21 Sep, 2011
How about some piccalilli for a change, with the marrows and onions, anyway. The tomatoes can be made into chutney. Annie
21 Sep, 2011
A good place to find recipes is:
and search for e.g. Tomato chutney.
21 Sep, 2011