By Pimpernel
United Kingdom
Hello..Could anyone ID this conifer. I refused to cut down in my Mum's garden.

13 Mar, 2012
Isn't it a beautiful thing Oji...? I don't say that often about Conifers.
13 Mar, 2012
I'm thinking Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, but as to the specific cultivar not sure. There are some that have this congested foliage and broken form rather than the normal flame shape.
13 Mar, 2012
I Knew you would know 7 :)
This is not a good show...Usually a lot more red.
13 Mar, 2012
I'm going to say if not exactly this one then a similar looking cultivar;
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Wisselii'
13 Mar, 2012
That's it !!!
13 Mar, 2012
You'll be able to compare pics on Google with it now to make sure :)
13 Mar, 2012
All I can say is WOW!!
13 Mar, 2012
Wow! How tall is it?
13 Mar, 2012
It was planted over 30 years ago LadyE and is 16/17 ft high.
Like the Avatar 7
14 Mar, 2012
Thanks Pimp, I'll keep yours and wear it again sometime.
Does your mum want it cut down?
14 Mar, 2012
how strange, never seen one like that before are they unusual?
14 Mar, 2012
WOW!! I would like one like that!
14 Mar, 2012
Found where I can buy one..I love it! :))))
14 Mar, 2012
Lol Michaela..It is like this right now... So get going. I love it too.
Mum is gradually clearing her garden 7, I filled in a 20'X 14' pond yesterday. This tree stood at the top of a water cascade/ rockery. It is staying put !
14 Mar, 2012
14 Mar, 2012
Nice one Pimp, preservation order ;)
14 Mar, 2012
I can't help, but I can see why you wouldn't want to cut it down. It's beautiful and seems very happy, with all that fabulous coloured new growth.
13 Mar, 2012