By Amorris
United Kingdom
I cut my camelia right down to about 8 inches - will it grow again? By accident I might add
Asked from the GoYpedia
camellias page
16 Mar, 2012
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Hi and welcome to goy
I never prune mine .
Hope it recovers Amorris
16 Mar, 2012
Was it an old plant? It is suggested in last months RHS mag that branches be pruned to 'a few centimetres of the trunk'. It is also suggested that the pruning is staggered 'to lessen stress'. If its a young plant, all you can do is cross your fingers and wait. My brother severly pruned a mature one in his front garden, as it was leaning in front of the window. It came back a good shape and bloomed well.
16 Mar, 2012
To give it some encouragement, I would suggest a good feed now and then mulch the roots. Also make sure it doesn't go short of water this year
16 Mar, 2012
The chap who bought our old house (we now live next door) cut my lovely deep red camellia back really hard almost as soon as he moved in. (I didn't think it was too big for where it was, but...) It has recovered and is flowering this year again, but smaller. It must be nearly 25 years old.
Keep your fingers crossed, Amorris
16 Mar, 2012
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Depends how young it is - it might recover, it might not. They don't really like being hard pruned at all, a light pruning yearly is best, and also best carried out after flowering, in late May/early June.
16 Mar, 2012