United Kingdom
Please can you suggest something to rid my garden of other peoples cats poo
22 Apr, 2012
I Guess im lucky theres a small piece of waste ground next door to me if you know what i mean,most of it is covered in buddleya's which is wonderful in the summer, if you go on my page and scroll down you'll see a question about cat deterrants i asked the other day..unless its your own cat poo your referring to. ;-)
22 Apr, 2012
Like it !
I was always told get a bigger cat.....such as a lion.
I have heard that some people collect lion dung from the zoo and dot it around to keep the cats away!
But I never saw the point.......as I see it you just end up with bigger piles :)
22 Apr, 2012
Have a look around I have seen these ultrasonic cat repellent whether they work I do not know.
23 Apr, 2012
Thankyou for your replies. These are not my cats I do not own own, but the neighbourhood cats use it as their toilet.I have read on a gardening site that chicken wire spread over the area helps, also stones, mothballs, pine cones, lavender, rue and pennyroyal. I am just off out to get as many components as possible, fortunately I have several shrubs growing in the area so spreading the chicken wire etc underneath should not look too unsightly!!! Anything has got to be better than all the cat poo....thats not attractive! Wish me luck and watch this space.
23 Apr, 2012
I have had problems with rabbits digging in my troughs and tubs, chilli flakes/powder was suggested as a deterrent and worked very well (renew after rain etc) no Idea if it works on cats but its an idea....
23 Apr, 2012
I used to use drops of Olbas oil,or Jeyes fluid on used teabags..they soon went elswhere..not a long term solution though,you need to replace them periodically,especially after a lot of rain..still,if you are a big tea drinker,that shouldn't be a problem...just save them :o)
23 Apr, 2012
If using gravel don't get a small size as the cats use that too. they can easily scrape it about.
23 Apr, 2012
i sympathise with you as it really irritates me that I have to lift and dispose of other peoples pets mess as well :-((
24 Apr, 2012
Have you thought of a PIR water sprayer? It detects movement and sprays water. There are lots to choose from online. Depends on the location and time of the depositing (I set mine up over night and switched it off in the day.)
24 Apr, 2012
Previous question
« Help with Hellebores please. I've got quite a few pots of these and they've...
A trowel and a plastic bag? I take it to the nearest dog waste bin.
22 Apr, 2012