Is it ok to put Rambling Rosie in a tub?
By Jane21
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi. I have just got a new rambling rose. It's Rambling Rosie from David Austin. I want it to grow up a high patio wall, but the only way I can achieve this is by putting it in a very large tub. As long as I feed properly, will it be ok in a tub?
Thanks Jx
21 Jun, 2012
Ooh, that's a good point Hywel. Thanks Jx
21 Jun, 2012
Hi Jane 21,
Tell me, have you ever tried to walk in shoes four sizes too small? I hate putting large plants in tubs, my wife tried this with a climbing rose and it did nothing apart from encourage ants to nest in it. Finally, only last week, I convinced her to put it in the ground. It sighed with relief. Please, please, please try something else, you would have to keep watering and feeding it but never as well as the rain and the ground. Austin roses are expensive, so if you want to try to see if it works get one from a supermarket first. Having said that it does amaze me when I see trees in garden centres and the tiny pots they are grown in.
21 Jun, 2012
ummm, but I already have the rose and nothing but a flagged area for it. Jx
21 Jun, 2012
In short...yes. As large a tub as you can spare, then it is about feed and water. The most unexpected things thrive in tubs and containers, if you remember to look after them. If they get given what they need many large shrubs can do better than those fending for themselves.
21 Jun, 2012
Am going to buy a tub, but a really massive one, big as I can find. I don't have much choice where this rambler goes and it is a birthday present, so didn't buy it myself. I know you might think, well why ask the question, if you're going to do it anyway, but I wanted some feedback on others' experiences. Thanks Hywel, Cutsandgrazes and Pim Jx
21 Jun, 2012
Good Luck..I only have tubs J. Everything is doing well, I just potted up a bonsai Ash tree this morning Cutsandgrazes....:/ :))
21 Jun, 2012
I have done this myself this spring with a david Austen albertine and so far the rose looks happy, as with you it's a paved area and it's the only way to get a rose there..I noticed yesterday it could do with a water but so far I haven't had to do this often due to the incessant rain. I just thought I'd give it a go nd it it doesn't thrive I'll just move it...
21 Jun, 2012
Thanks Mad, that's the boat I'm in, so will give it a go. Jx
21 Jun, 2012
Hi. As Hywel said, the tub may well become top heavy but you may be able to overcome this if you buy a really big square tub. I have two on my patio, each with an obelisk in it. Even with gale force winds they have remained secure.
21 Jun, 2012
Hadn't thought of that before Hywel mentioned it. Will also peg rose into wall as it climbs, it's a sort of dry stone wall, so plenty of anchoring points. Haven't bought tub yet, so can get exactly the right one. Jx
21 Jun, 2012
Will you Pop a picture up when you've bought the pot and planted up ;)
21 Jun, 2012
Yes of course i will Mad. Am off to Cornwall for a week, so it will have to wait till I get back. Jx
21 Jun, 2012
If it's the only way to have roses, Jane, I'd have to give it a go! I have 23 in my front and back gardens together as I just love them and can't imagine my garden without roses. Good luck with it. As Pimp says, the most surprising things survive in tubs etc. and gardening is always breaking its own rules.
21 Jun, 2012
Thanks Tuesdaybear. I love roses too. I probably wouldn't have bought anymore just yet, till I live with the new terrace and see what would fit. But, the best laid plans, and all that. I had a birthday and acquired another new rose and can't leave it in the David Austin pot for ever. So I shall buy the absolute biggest container I can, put some rocks in the bottom, then clay and then a mix of river valley soil and some very chunky compost I have and probably put a generous helping of well rotted manure into the mix as well. The whole thing will be so weighty, I don't think it will get top heavy. Of course, through preference I would have planted it in the ground. I just don't have any ground, where a rambler can grow. Jx
21 Jun, 2012
That sounds perfect, Jane. I just had a birthday too. Are you a mercurial fellow Gemini? We're a strange bunch! Well, I am anyway.
21 Jun, 2012
Think I'm a cusp, so don't get much stranger than that. lol Jx
21 Jun, 2012
I have a Phyllis Bide rose in a large tub (see my photos) happily climbing up a trellis and the archway, but then she is a delicate rose. A stronger rampant climber wouldn't do well at all, but good luck with yours. :o)
22 Jun, 2012
The only other solution Jane, is to take out one or two flagstones near the wall & plant the rose in that, after preparing the soil underneath of course!! We did that, but we also have a climber in a pot & it seems to be doing o.k. only trouble is it is very prone to mildew!!!!
I for get the name of it - small cerise colour flowers, very well perfumed. I must try & find the name of it. I seem to remember there was a Z in the name!
14 Jul, 2012
That narrows it down then. ;o)
14 Jul, 2012
lol nariz. We have just spent best part of 3 years and untold hundreds putting the flags down. I think lifting even 2 might well send Mick over the edge. have you seen how beautiful his patio Jxxx
14 Jul, 2012
Yes, I have! A job well done! We wished we'd asked for a patch of earth to be left near the arch but if we change it now we'd have a bigger job than lifting flags - we'd have to crash through tarmac and concrete! I'll keep the tub! ;o)
15 Jul, 2012
Found the name of my climber I couldn't remember!!Climber - Rose 'Zephirine Drouhin', which I bought online from Whitehill Garden Centre, which is in Whitchurch (wherever that is!!). I thought it had a Z in the name!!!;)
15 Jul, 2012
I suppose it will be all right in a large tub, although maybe it won't grow as big as it would in the ground. I think you'd have to make sure it gets plenty of water and feeding.
Also make sure the tub is secure, because it will become top heavy.
21 Jun, 2012