Garlic problem
By Justvera
United Kingdom
The leaves of the garlic I planted during the winter are now all rust coloured and i do not know if this means they are dying off and ready to harvest,or if it is because they
are deceased . I dug one up but they do not look to be fully grown.
8 Jun, 2009
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we had this problem a few years ago, but later, maybe july time, anyway , we decided to cut of the tops and harvest the crop.the foliage was destroyed and the crop survived, but the bulbs were a bit smaller than usual ...............steve
8 Jun, 2009
Thankyou for your help. I have followed your advice and dug them up.Could I have done anything to prevent it ?.
9 Jun, 2009
Don't grow any types of the onion family in a position that has had onions in any of the previous 4 years. Crop rotation is the key, without chemical treatments. I don't know if there is a fungicide that you could have used. Do try again as it's a great crop. If you get too many (!) you can peel them, then just freeze them in bags or tubs. Get them out a couple of minutes before you want to cook with them and they can be cut and used as normal. The flavour is the same too. I grow them every other year and they last well.
10 Jun, 2009
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Previous question
Garlic needs a period of cold in order for the bulb to split into cloves, so it depend s on when you planted it. I usually plant it in November, anyway you can harvest it now. Dig them all up and put them on a wire rack somewhere warm and dry to dry off. Cut off the rusty leaves and bin them, don't compost it as it will spread around with the compost. They will taste the same, just less bulbs.
8 Jun, 2009