Some crackers!
By resi
It is too hot and the soil too hard to do much out there so i thought i would try to take a few pictures of the insects we have enticed into our growing garden
It is the season for the swallowtails, they are difficult to snap as they never sit still for long but this is the best of quite a few i took, aren’t dig.cameras a wonderful invention…
and a staghorn beetle, magnificent beast, male or female , i have no idea..
this chap is no insect but it was quite an interesting story
last year i planted lots of rugosa roses on one of our banks and surrounded them with cardboard, manure and straw, this way i dont have to water them much at all after the initial watering!
i normally put 4 or 6 old rooftiles on top to steady this lot, which we keep in a big pile at the top of our garden.
i carried an armful of tiles down in order to arrange them and when i put them on the ground heard a hissing sound and saw this adder……
it was calmly crawling out from the tiles i had been carrying
i will take a wheelbarrow next time, but is such a push up the hill that i took the easy way out, not realizing i had a hitch hiker
4 Jul, 2011
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Some excellent photos!
4 Jul, 2011
Great photos Resi. I always love to see nature pics!
4 Jul, 2011
Lovely photos! We often have Swallowtails and Scarce Swallowtails cruising around our garden - love the way they stop flapping and just soar! Hope you were careful of your adder! We have recently had a Three-toed Skink and a slow worm hiding under the potatoes - but no adders - thank Goodness! We have visitors from Wales at the moment and a beautiful large Carpenter Bee sent Partners' sister dashing indoors yesterday afternoon with a look of horror on her face! I think she's scared to come out now!
5 Jul, 2011
thanks for your comments, i cannt remember seeing them in the uk but i think they do occur there.
Nariz i have never yet seen a Three-toed Skink, aren't you lucky, maybe i shld try growing potatoes, but the thought of hacking open all that new ground aarrgghh..
cld you try for a piccie?
coming back late at night this week we saw a polecat crossing the road, but not had them in the garden.
yes our visitors are mostly very wary of our wildlife.
the giant peacock moth always creates a scare LOL
5 Jul, 2011
Interesting :o)
6 Jul, 2011
Sorry Resi - Three-toed Skink long gone from the garden. We were excited the other evening to see our first Genet. They're apparently quite common but nocturnal and as we're not often out after dark we've not seen one before. Love the sound of the giant peacock moth - wonder if they might give us a visit ......
6 Jul, 2011
Wow Resi - awesome pic of a Swallowtail butterfly - aren't they gorgeous?! We don't see them here in the UK, but it was a treat to see one or two when we were in Greece earlier this year.
Love to see ANY wildlife - had a little mouse in the garden yesterday . . .
6 Jul, 2011
yes i still get a thrill from seeing the swallowtails Sheila.
nariz, a genet!!! aww fully jealous, would so love to see one, they are so beautiful
apparently the do occur here but never seen by us yet, or anyone we know here....
our dog found a wriggling dead mouse ! in the pond tonight, which on closer inspection was being eaten from the inside out by tadpoles! i couldnt believe what i saw..
but still plenty of very much alive mice in the garden.
6 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by resi
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The last time I saw a Swallow Tail was in France, I gather that is where you are to be found.
Love the butterfly, but you can keep your adders. However, due to warmer conditions in the north of England we now have some woodlands putting up signs warning of adders.
4 Jul, 2011