What a difference a day makes
By resi
Yesterday was one of those beautiful spring days with the mountains showing a treat, ususally only when rain is on its way!
the dog and i did our usual round the block as i didnt have much time, i was in a hurry to go to a local plantfair later on.
I found the first wild hedgerose of the year and quite a lot of orchids in the verges
most of the fields without cattle in are getting ready for the first mow, so many are full of wild flowers
As it was sunday, there was even less traffic than usual, i met one tractor
i am afraid we dawdled so much, i got home later than i planned and decided it was such a glorious day i really wanted to spend it in the garden.
i decided to dig out and clear some of the channels we have running thr the whole of the garden, rainwater management! as the soil is lovely and soft from the rain we have been getting lately
The small lavender bed should be nice this summer, nothing would grow on this heap of pure clay, not even grass, exept in strange clumps so thank goodness for these sturdy beauties.
then it got just a bit dark and the wind came up, the shutters started to bang about and windows and doors to slam shut, which meant finish for the day.
you can just make out the frost damage to my little oleander on the left and the holes left from the lav.dentatas killed by the last hard frosts, -13C, a cple of weeks ago
we had a good thunderstorm yest evening which rumbled on in the night and then it rained..
these i took this morning
and this is B’s wildlife pond which he still has under construction, unfortunately due to my efforts of yestrday clearing out the channels, the rain has swept a lot of the loose clay into the pond and also over the edges which he had planted with grass sods to stop the soil running in!! normally it only takes water from the roofs thr the pipes which run underground.
We havent had so much rain in one go for years, i can hardly remember the channels actually running with water, that must be at least 3 years ago.
i have taken a series of photos for him, he is away for a cple of weeks, so when he comes back he can see what needs tweaking in the landscaping around the pond area.
The ground slopes to two different sides so it is a tricky job. he will have fun ;((
It is still raining ….
30 Apr, 2012
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Hi Resi ... that's a lot of rain all at once !
The lavenders look happy there ...
good idea to let those spread :o)
30 Apr, 2012
Lavender and roses Terratoonie, they grow anywhere here, fortunately i love both.
i dont know about Foix Karen, but it is further south and higher up from us, so the winters there might be more severe. Our winters have many days of clear blue skies and a sun with a lot of strength in it, as a result we can often have a xmas outside on the terrace but with the odd jumper on. If we have cold snaps it doesnt tnd to last long. summers are pretty hot though.
30 Apr, 2012
Lavender and roses growing everywhere must produce gorgeous scents as you walk around :o)))
24 Jun, 2012
yes they do Terra especially towards the evening when there is no wind, less so this year with most of my roses misfiring, but they are budding for a second crop now. so i'll keep fingers crossed.
24 Jun, 2012
Yes, your second crop of roses could be good :o)
I love that first pic with the hills and the mountains.
24 Jun, 2012
the mountains are what i look for first thing every morning, it makes my day when they show.
they say that you will see them if rain is expected in the next 2 to 3 days, but doesnt always pan out.
i just posted a photo of a sunrise which i took cple of years ago.
24 Jun, 2012
Great blog, great photos . . . great place to live!
28 Jun, 2012
thanks Muddy, yes it is a very special place, we are very lucky to be here
28 Jun, 2012
Recent posts by resi
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Oh, Resi - it all looks so beautiful! And it's all so much further on than here.
We once fell in love with a house perched on the mountainside just outside Foix and put everything on the market.
Then we thought twice about it because of the winters...just shows how wrong you can be!!!
30 Apr, 2012