Two short one...
By rogi
Blog number one…..I was down at the cottage today and decided to build another hedgehog house for them for winter…although there are loads of places that they can hide…I have got several piles of logs around the garden and there are a lot of twigs and branches underneath the hedge and also the small wood that goes up behind the cottage to the old disused railway lines…but all the same I thought I would make them another hide out…it is made out of a folding shopping basket…the sort that you put in the car…the bottom dropped out of it the other day spilling the shopping all over the road and my OH said I should put it straight in the dustbin…but me being me thought it would come in for some use someday…and it did, anyhow I covered the basket with bubble wrap…for insulation and then wrapped that round with black plastic …I´m now just hoping that the hedgehogs will find it and maybe make a winter home out of it.
Blog number 2. For some reason I looked up at the blue sky…maybe to watch an aircraft that was going overhead and spotted this rainbow…if thats what it its….there were several small ones around as well…..there was no rain and the temperature was about 15°C….has anybody else seen anything like this…if so what could it it be?…apart from a rainbow…but without rain…any explanations to how these develop would be most welcome.
…but first to the hedgehog house
the basket all wrapped up in bubble wrap and black plastic
I put the hedgehog house next to a small ivy covered wall….with the opening facing south…as they tell you to in books etc…I then covered it in ivy and some twigs and branches and also put a broken brick in the entrance to make the entrance a bit smaller so that cats don´t try to get in…I have also put a small twig accross the entrance with piece of cotton tied round it so that I can see if it has been moved by anything…maybe a sign that it is being used by some animal….
well camouflaged…..
and now onto Blog number two..the rainbow…
has anybody any explanation about how and why this appeared…on a dry warmish day…it stayed for about half an hour before it disappeared….
14 Oct, 2011
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Love the Hedgehog house Rogi. As for the rainbow, I just googled upside down rainbow where there's lots on this. An example is on the link below - basically, freak atmospheric conditions and sun reflecting off ice crystals
14 Oct, 2011
@ angie..thanks for the nice comment...and yes I hope that some hedgehog will soon find use for it..
@Digginfit@ thanks for the comment and info...I clicked on the link....very interesting...seems to be something of a rare sighting...I´m pleased that I was able to get a good photo of it...
14 Oct, 2011
There you are you see, it's no good throwing things away. Everything will come in handy sometime :D
The rainbow looks like a smile :o))))))
I'm glad you got an explanation for it. I wouldn;t have had a clue what to tell you. It seems you were lucky to see such a thing.
15 Oct, 2011
Good Morning from me Rogi. The hedgehogs will be very thankful to you. If the hedgehog house gets too crowed you can eat some of them. LOL.
Believe it or not in some countries are a delicacy. I don't know in Germany. Definitely not for me and certainly not for you.
I am relieved that rainbow is not a sign for the end of the world!
15 Oct, 2011
Hallo Costas. Eating hedgehogs....I have heard about them being eaten...and if you google "eating hedgehogs" you will find a lot of receipes how to cook them...but it´s not for me though.
15 Oct, 2011
Hello Rogi! Your wee hedgehog house looks irresistible to me, never mind a sleepy hedgehog! Did you put any bedding in, or do they just drag it in themselves? Definitely putting this on my favourites, we don't have hedgehogs, I think!? but lots of our relatives do and they're always hoping that they are ok during any rough weather in the winter! Now we can build these for them! Thank you! You were so lucky to see that rainbow phenomenon considering it's so rare! During the last bad winter, I looked out of an upstairs window and saw twinkling particles just hanging in the air, I thought I was getting a migraine, because that's how they always start, but then I discovered that it was ice crystals just floating about in the freezing air, it was really beautiful, and I was so pleased I saw it!! And no headache! Always a bonus!
15 Oct, 2011
Hi Libet...I put some torn up newspaper in the box and have spread some dry leaves in front of the if a hedgehog takes up residence he/she can choose for itself what it wants.
15 Oct, 2011
Thank you! :0)
15 Oct, 2011
What a great idea,i've a couple those basket things in my shed doing nothing, so think i may have ago this week. thanks for info.
16 Oct, 2011
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Hope you have a guest in your hedgehog home soon, that was thoughtful of you.
I've no idea what the upside down rainbow is from. Looks nice though.
14 Oct, 2011