Just having a bit of a moan!
By rose1949
Now, as much as I love my hubby ,I wish he would water at the roots.He can’t do alot of gardening now especially heavy work due to his disabilities so likes to help when he can by watering, but he will insist on spraying everything from the tops of flowers and shrubs including roses and we all know that this is just a waste of time,not to mention encouraging black spot on the roses.If I attempt to tell him he (as a typical man) would say do it yourself then ! Bless him!My other moan is the weather. Were has the summer gone. Sun shining brilliantly this morning so off I go to do some much needed weeding on my allotment. Five minutes later ,black clouds appeared and most of the day was showery and not all that warm due to a N.W wind. Apparently It’s going to change tomorrow to a N.E. wind which is even worse.Still tomorrow is another day!
22 Jul, 2011
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I know exactly what you mean Daisy.They mean well, bless them , don't they!
22 Jul, 2011
Some men have no idea about watering. When I go away leaving OH at home I always ask my neighbour to come and water my plants. Otherwise I know they will be, as you say Rose, watered from above leaving the roots dry. The small things will be flattened either by a close jet of water or by the trailing hose as he moves on to the next victim!
I must say he's very good at digging holes, digging out old shrubs and laying paving slabs.....oh and lifting heavy bags of compost out of the car. LOL Where would I be without him? :o))
Been sunny here most of the day on and off but the plants need so much more of it to do well.
22 Jul, 2011
Oh I do sympathise Rose, my OH is very good with the watering but is lethal with the hose, he tends not to look where it is and just yanks and pulls after him and more often than not we end up with flattened plants or pots knocked over.
Still what can you say he has made me some very nice Arbours, water features and a bridge.
22 Jul, 2011
At the risk of upsetting Hywel, who hates moans about husbands/male partners, I'll just say what my OH did round at my Mums last year. She has a medium height Pittosporum shrub in the back garden, which I shape with hand shears. He offered to do it and used the electric hedge-trimmer, cut right through the bright orange cable and wondered why I was cross! Yes, I know he could have been electrocuted . . . . .
22 Jul, 2011
Yes I always think if you want something done properly do it yourself. I always do things myself. I never rely on other people. They will never do it good enough lol
22 Jul, 2011
Oh dear Rose, it sounds like you had one of those days!! I know what you mean about the weather though, it's been so cold l've had to dig my fleeces back out of storage! Although it was lovely today, it's going to take a while for the beds to dry out enough for me to get on them to do any work. It's been a bit of a disheartening year for the garden, hasn't it? I couldn't get half the plants I grew put out into the beds, and they're too far gone now to plant them but it doesn't matter, it's still only July, plenty of time for some sun for us yet Rose! I hope the weather improves for you, It must be disappointing not to be able to get your allotment weeded...if I lived nearer I could come and give you a hand, it's always easier with a bit of company! Unless it's watering you want doing of course! ;0)
22 Jul, 2011
Thanks all of you for your comments.I think Lily and Stroller this is obviously a man thing, and theres me thinking theres only man flu!l.o.l.Shirley tulip, is the pittesporum ok!I agree with you Hywell,then you can't complain if anything goes wrong. Elizabeth you are welcome anytime to do my weeding.Call it a busman's holiday.lol.
23 Jul, 2011
Yes it is, Rose, now that I'm back to pruning it by hand ... lol!
23 Jul, 2011
I bought 120 perlargonium plugs from Jersey (no large greenhouse to cosset them). Fussed over them and somehow they have survived to give me a wonderful show both in the ground and in pots. I have two trays near the taps and circulate the pots though the trays of water. I get exercise bringing the pots to the trays and back to decorate the garden. I spray the leaves with miraclgro. I put some in the ground and they had generous helpings of gel at planting. My OH is 81 and disabled. I am happy to be 'queen of the garden' and no contradictions.....nearly. The last shrub he chose was a buddleja.....they get a bit bossy after a while...it looks lovely too....pruning saw here we come!!
6 Aug, 2011
Nice to meet you ,Dorjac, it sounds like you have everything under control but i am wondering why you use miracle grow on the leaves.I bet you have a wonderful display of flowers now.
6 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose it is all a big experiment this year because I lost all my big old Perlargoniums over the last 2 winters. Kept ones bloom early providing cuttings etc. We are on a water meter. Have had long dry periods....Essex can be very dry. Having tray to bottom water conserves water. If I mix a bucket of Miraclgro and use a spray bottle; the pergs seem to love it. No waste if the butts are filled by a downpour. Best result I have ever had from minute little plants...very satisfying and colourful . Big pots no waste of water and fertiliser....lots of small pots needed a re think.
6 Aug, 2011
what a good idea Borjac, I wonder if this will work on other pot plants.Thanks for that tip.
7 Aug, 2011
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Its great when they offer to help in the garden but, They dont listen :))) it irritates me when hub offers to cut the grass, its a petrol mower so you just go in straight lines, hub go's round and round!!!! Last time he cut it he did do straight lines (i got through lol) but took him twice as long as he didn't listen when i said, the mower cuts while reversing too, he go's up and reverses back down the same line haha, Dont know why it irritates me really, he gets there in the end...
22 Jul, 2011