The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

New Corner!


Ever since we moved here almost 6 years ago, in the garden was a mesh greenhouse which I really wanted to get rid of.
Rick used to say that it was ok, but year after year it bugged me!

The blue trellis which originally was across the garden behind the greenhouse I had taken down and then realised that they fitted together on top of each other.
Then the idea took place. When my son Anthony came for a visit , he removed the greenhouse…thank goodness for that!
Then he took the trellis off the arch that I had built some years ago and fixed it on the garage wall.
I couldn’t afford to continue the patio area at this moment in time, so decided to gravel it.
Then my son came up with the idea of a small Japanese garden.
Great idea!

I know it’s only a small area but has opened up all that side of the garden.

I found the Japanese plaque online and then moved the two solar lamps from other parts of the garden.

So, this is it almost finished.
Well..when I say almost, it doesn’t yet look like a Japanese garden!
I need a pagoda which hopefully may be a Christmas present from my son and wife…well they don’t know that yet! lol
Plus there is one odd pot. The others are all black.
That will have to be replaced with a black one.
I could only get one rock as all the others were so hard to lift.
When I studied all Japanese gardens online they were shown with many rocks and pebbles.
I would like to have a Japanese lantern or wind chime, but have got to figure out where one could go.
But me being me..I will figure it out!
I am not sure the bird bath should be there either.
What do you think?
By next year both the clematis and honeysuckle will have grown across the trellis.
Watch this space!
Oh yes…I need to paint the trellis too, but haven’t a clue what colour!
The blue trellis is a hard plastic but not sure whether to paint the other trellis blue, because then I would have to continue and paint the arch and other trellis!
Not keen on that idea! lol

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