Late again! July garden and allotment updates.
By rose1949
Just lately , I always seem to be late looking at all your photos and blogs. The weather has been pretty good the last couple of weeks, so have been making the most of being outside. Everything in the allotment garden is coming on great. What I can’t believe is how quick my rose cuttings grew and started flowering. I did the cuttings on February 1st and now have been flowering for 4 weeks!
This is my favourite …Bonica
I’m not absolutely sure if this is Gertrude Jekyll or L.D. Braithwaite as the rain washed all the printing off my label.
St Swithun
This one , and I apologise for this will be either Gertrude Jekyll or L.D.Braithwaite. I’ll know better when this one flowers. I did 8 cuttings of different roses altogether and they are all a good size too. What I am really pleased about is that the archway on the allotment garden where I planted the two climbers taken from the old pergola, if you remember have both taken. I am amazed as they were both 12 years old, and thought I would lose them. One is The Breath of Life which is a peachy colour and the other is Danse de Feu.
If you look very carefully, you will just see the new shoots, not a very good picture I’m afraid. The clematis Wisley Cream is on either side as well, so looking forward to next spring to hopefully see it in flower.
The wild flower garden has come on in leaps and bounds and now there are corn cockle amongst them. That was a nice surprise!
I think you would have to really look close to see the corn cockles. I will have to take some close ups! The whole of this area is now covered in bees and hoverflies, this was nice to see. There haven’t been that many bees this year and I think it was due to all the wet weather.
The borders in the allotment flower garden are doing really well and I got some good bargains from our local nursery. A canna for my hot bed was only £2 and my dahlias were 2 for £5.
The sweet peas are doing well this year..
Musn’t forget the veg. side, a slow start this year , but now everything is doing well.
Right, I’ll just take one last look down and then I’ll go back to the garden…
I don’t have a lot to show you, but one of my bargains from the nursery was this beautiful white penstamon, £2 . In fact this particular day, nearly everything was either 50p, £1 or £2 as they close down until March. This is what happens every year , so needless to say, I spend a lot of time there!
I’m really pleased with the pond and bog garden now after all the hard work in the spring of moving everything around. I can see the ferns as well now.
Isn’t it nice to see the sun shining on there!
The yellow border with the potentilla, hypericum hidcote and sedum are looking good now.
This next one is looking through to the gardens from the woodland garden…
On the left of the archway is Golden Hop and has now climbed right up into a 20 foot Wild Cherry tree. The right of the arch is a bit worse for wear and is one of those jobs that never seems to get done!
Another bargain is my Bougainvilla. I’ve always wanted one and I’m hoping it survives. This was £5 and the other picture is my little basket in our new corner.
And last but not least, this ones for you Hywel, the lovely veronicas you sent me. Thankyou.
I hope you enjoyed looking round with me , and apparently a heat waves on its way! Well, they could be right this time! Enjoy your garden my friends.
5 Aug, 2012
Previous post: The new corner.
Next post: In Ireland with Libet.
Thanks Hywel, so am I !
5 Aug, 2012
Well Rose I dont know where to start!
Its great news that your rose cuttings have taken & that your old ones have not be bothered about their move.
The allotment is all looking fantastic, I still can't beleive its all happened this year!
Wild flowers look amazing :-)
Great bargins you got there, how can you not buy them at those prices.
Gardens looking beautiful too & I love the pond area, wonld'nt mind sitting there for an hour or so, just watching the wildlife :-)
I must get myself some Branflakes! Lol.
5 Aug, 2012
It looks just lovely, Rose. What an achievement in one year! I am so impressed with your rose cuttings! What a result! I really love the photo through from the woodland garden. And the bog garden. In fact, it's all beautiful :-))
5 Aug, 2012
Everything looks gorgeous! I've taken rose cuttings and hope they turn out as well as yours - if not, I shall keep trying! :o)
6 Aug, 2012
Right, apart from Willi's last sentence, just reproduce everything that's been written above, and pretend that I wrote it, too. I am full of admiration for everything you've achieved, Rose. Those cannas are brilliant, and so cheap, too. I must try getting some. Go and have a rest: you must be exhausted.
6 Aug, 2012
It looks fantastic Rose, well done, you have been so busy and it has all paid off. Great to see the allotment so full of the fruits of your labours, keep up the good work but remember to keep sitting down and having a rest, a little and often. Congratulations - Gold medal awarded for all your hard work.
6 Aug, 2012
Thanks Willinillie, I can't believe it either, the rain must have done some good with everything growing at such a fast rate. Its so peaceful sitting near the pond and listening to the birds and at least there are some sunny days to sit out!
Thanks Mel. I should be able to take it easy next year, now its all done!! Since doing the rose cuttings , friends have asked me to do them some , so am hoping it wasn't a fluke, them growing as quick as this!
Thanks Janet , I hope your rose cuttings do well. You'll have to let me know.
Hahaa, Gattina! Now what's wrong with bran flakes! Thanks for your lovely comments and I'm hoping the canna flowers this year. Apparently , they like being wet, so that shouldn't be a problem this year!
Thankyou so much, Barbara, I am highly honoured. When are you sending the medal! Lol. I can actually sit and relax a bit now as all I have to do now is keep it weeded and cut all the grasses.
6 Aug, 2012
Oh Dear! Wet's no good in this garden, Rose, I may have to rethink the cannas.
6 Aug, 2012
LOL :O) chill now girl chill!!
6 Aug, 2012
They like the hot weather Gattina and all you have to do is keep them watered well.
Oh I'm very chilled Barbara! I'm so chilled that if I relax , I would just fall down and fall asleep! Hahaa!
7 Aug, 2012
I'm not in the slightest bit surprised, Rose.
7 Aug, 2012
Oh well Gattina, we have a heat wave coming for a few days, so I'll be able to get my book out and relax in the garden. heaven!
7 Aug, 2012
Well, knowing you, Rose, I can't see you sitting still without a trowel in your hand for more than 20 minutes!
7 Aug, 2012
You've got that right Gattina!
8 Aug, 2012
Another stunning and delightful blog, and I am still amazed at how great a gardener you are Rose..Wish you lived round the corner from me! lol\0/x
19 Oct, 2012
Yes, Flori, if I did, then you could revamp our store room while I did your garden! Hahaa!
19 Oct, 2012
Sounds like a good swap to me Rose! lol..\0/x
20 Oct, 2012
Right, when can you start , Flori! Hahaa!
20 Oct, 2012
Just check me diary, Rose...tee hee hee..\0/x
21 Oct, 2012
Isn't it interesting revisiting earlier blogs? Seeing your pictures, Rose, makes me realise how far on in the year we are now!
22 Oct, 2012
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Everything is doing well. Your vegetable garden looks great.
Love that woodland garden ...
I'm pleased to see the Veronicas are flowering :o)
5 Aug, 2012