Gardeners World Live 2012
By samjp
On Sunday I went to Gardeners World Live 2012 and the Good Food Show with my mum and aunt. The intention was mainly to go round the Good Food Show trying as many different alcoholic drinks as possible, but I got the really good side effect of GW :))) Only downside is that my mum and aunt aren’t really interested in gardening so I missed loads, especially in the floral marquee.
Our day started at 9am when we headed for the train station to get the 9.23 to Birmingham International. Thats when things started to go wrong lol. We got to the station to find that there were no trains on that line running as they were digging the track up!! So plan B a different train station lol. Only thing is the first train wasn’t until after 10am and that was delayed until 10.15. We finally got into Birmingham New Street where we had to wait 15 minutes (not too bad but not quite the 10 minutes the guy in the first station had promised) for the train to the NEC. Both trains were rammed, we had to stand pretty much the entire way. Finally got to the NEC (2 1/2 hours later) and the first stop was breakfast in the pub lol – minus the mushrooms (they never quite materialised). Anyway we had a plan, while it was dry and vaguely sunny we’d go round the outside section of GW, and finish the day with the Good Food Show (thinking we’d work off breakfast first lol).
I didn’t get that many pictures, my mum and aunt kept wondering off without me if I lingered too long lol. But I did manage to get a picture of the chicks :) they were so cute:
On going into the Floral Marquee we were greeted by an amazing display of Lillies. The scent of them was so strong, but stunning display (no idea who the people are by the way).
Moving round (we only got round part of the marque) there were huge displays of just about every type of plant you could think of. I really love the clematis, especially the Vitichella (sp?) Clematis
The hosta display was incredible, I couldn’t do it justice on camera. So many different hostas in one space. Fabulous plants (I want one or two or three… lol :))
Towards the back of the marquee was another Lilly display, again stunning flowers and really strong scent. This display had these pink lillies that were HUGE, gorgeous flowers
This is one of the mixed stands they had. The one stand was set up as mini garden with deep borders and a lovely gravel path with big hoopy things along the path. It was designed so the hoopy things would essentially work as an arch way. Look really good. Thought I’d got a photo, but obviously didn’t :(
After we left the marque we went for a wonder round the show gardens. Some gorgeous gardens, only took a couple of pictures though.
This garden was called the Peek a Boo garden – I think it was designed with the the idea of children running round playing hide and seek or peek a boo behind the wooden slats. Got to be my favourite garden on the show.
Then we had the plant wall, which for some reason I only have a picture of the shady wall. Looked really effective. Stupidly expensive to put together with those pockets (can’t help but think, how on earth would you keep all those plants well watered lol)
Can’t remember what this garden was called. Quite like the way they’ve put the path through the lawn and the benches they’d built.
This was the naturalistic garden, seemed such a peaceful place. Love the dry stone walls
Another one whose name I don’t know. Lol would you believe mom didn’t realise there was the big “Smile” on the back wall until she saw the picture later
The last garden I have a picture of (again nameless). This one had a lovely little stream running through it. Couldn’t seem to get the right angle to get it on the picture though.
After that we went for a wonder through the exhibition halls. Somehow they managed to avoid plant avenue lol (hmm I must be slipping lol). Some great stands. The Bonsai stand had some amazing plants. Some of those Bonsai trees must have been quite old from the looks of them.
Next on the agenda the good food show. Several alcoholic samples later we were quite cheerful lol :P Have to say though some of the drinks were awful. Tried a chocolate wine, horrible stuff. Quite dissapointed the Gallo stand had sold out so we missed the wine testing :( Lots of food samples (mostly cheese, oil and vinegars). Mom brought a set of vinegars, one of which is strawberry and mint. Absolutely beautiful flavour. Doesn’t taste like vinegar at all. Would be delicious drizzled over vanilla ice cream :) Ooh had quite a giggle at my aunt. There was the Caribbean Food stand who had some fudge. As she picked up a piece to try I read the label “Firery Chilli Fudge” lol her face was a picture. Apparently it was a tad warm lol.
Despite the gliches of the morning we had quite a good day, a good giggle (assisted by alcohol no doubt lol) and got to see lots of lovely things. Think I could be heading back next year (with someone who’s into gardening with any luck lol).
Hope you all enjoyed the short walk round the show :P
18 Jun, 2012
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the place is very a beautiful full of pretty flowers and lovely people!
18 Jun, 2012
Thank you Sam, so good of you to post these lovely pictures for those of us who cant get to the shows.
Lots of new ideas we can try at home.
19 Jun, 2012
So much for public transport lol but I'm glad you had a nice day after all. Pitty you weren't with people who enjoy gardening, but you seem to have seen quite a lot anyway, and thanks for showing the photos :o)
19 Jun, 2012
great pics - especailly like the rockery type parts last pictures and the hostas are lovely
19 Jun, 2012
great pics thanks for the blog:))
19 Jun, 2012
Glad you all enjoyed them.
sticki food was yummy, alcohol was lovely (generally speaking) lol. Strangely enough we seemed to try more alcohol than food, really not sure how that happened :P
Lol Hywel, I'm pretty sure you could have got there quicker than we did :)
I watched part of Gardeners Worlds coverage of the show last night on iPlayer (may have fell asleep part way through lol). I noticed towards the start they got a shot of the stand with the hoopy things and the path I mentioned. Looked really effective.
I'm probably going to go back again next year if anyone fancies meeting up there.
20 Jun, 2012
yes please sam i want to go next year
the alcoholic tastings slip down so easily i find ~ i like that toffee vodka they usually have!!!
did you see james martin?
20 Jun, 2012
Excellent someone who enjoys gardening :)
If your not bothered about seeing Monty, Carole, Joe etc I can recommend going on a Sunday, most things get reduced. I saw some stands offering 6 plants for £10 - good sized plants as well.
Lol they certainly do don't they - well not the chocolate wine lol. Oooh yes they had the toffee vodka, I quite like it. Mom and my aunt weren't too impressed though. They also had cocktail mixers, really like the Mojito and Raspberry Mojito.
No we didn't see James Martin. Pretty sure there was someone in the theatre we caught a glimpse of but not too sure who.
20 Jun, 2012
dont worry i will recognise james!!!!
gardening and food for me!!!
20 Jun, 2012
Hehehe I take it you are a fan of James Martin then :)
Really is a great combination isn't it, gardening, food and alcohol, what more could you possible want.
20 Jun, 2012
yes i like james ~ and his recipes work!!
20 Jun, 2012
How could I have forgotten chocolate!!! One of the major food groups isn't it, along with wine and biscuits lol.
Ohh a recipe that works, may have to try one of them :)
21 Jun, 2012
and james likes chocolate too!!!
21 Jun, 2012
Lol you could always take him a chocolate present if he's there next year :-) failing that any excuse for chocolate lol
21 Jun, 2012
That's a thought!
21 Jun, 2012
:-))))) lol
22 Jun, 2012
22 Jun, 2012
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thanks sam, i would love to have gone, those gardens look really lovely. and the hostas are amazing
bet the food was good too!!
18 Jun, 2012