My poor Eucalyptus
By samjp
As I may have mentioned we planted a Eucalyptus tree a month or so back (before the lawn went down). It was a lovely shaped tree, about 6ft tall. I say was. The tree was planted on the side with my neighbours falling down fence. Well today they finally started to do something about it (previously they were just going to put some new posts in – so I painted it green – now they are replacing it, sort of). All the vertical panel slats were removed without incident, along with a horizontal post which had no support. They then started removing the supporting post at the far end (I think, I wasn’t watching). Next thing I know I hear a squeal and turn round to see my poor tree flattened by the remainder of the fence. There is about 2ft left (if that) at the point we’d staked it. I didn’t know whether to laugh (at my neighbours face – shortly after she managed to fall backwards into her own flowerbed, didn’t land on any plants though), cry or scream.
My neighbours cousin was doing most of the work and decided he would try to graft the tree back together with some insulation tape – I’ve humoured him at this point. Quite frankly I would be nothing short of amazed if it took.
That tree was literally the only thing they had to worry about. There isn’t another plant anywhere along that fence. Its also so far from the fence you can walk behind it. OH is spitting mad. I’m definitely not happy but remarkably calm about it, not sure how mind. OH and I have decided to just replace the tree. The nursery we got it from isn’t far and the tree isn’t expensive (thank heavens). Seems slightly wrong to replace it, but I know it will upset me every time I look out. Fair play to the neighbours they have given me the money to replace it – feels wrong letting them do that, daft I know.
The neighbour has later said she’s going to repaint the fence slats as they go back in (I think they are basically re-building it using new posts but the old slats) and she would do our side as well, only she’s got red paint. I think I made it very clear that I would rather she didn’t. I hope to god I don’t come back to an orangey red fence. I detest that colour fence panel, much prefer green. I know its their fence but I will be furious if she paints over my green (which took me hours, 2 cans of paint and several coats to cover the old ugly red even partially).
Oh yeah and just to add to my annoyance levels, the guy who’s supposed to be building a new garage door, window (seeing as we don’t really have an window any more its that rotten – the door isn’t far behind lol) and a pergola still hasn’t shown up. Its now been 4 weeks since his original fitting date. ARGGGGHHHHHH
Thanks to Wendy who cheered me up immensely when I received 2 Penstemon wedding bells cuttings and a cutting from another plant whose name I can’t remember now lol. At least something good came from today eh.
Sorry guys needed to vent a little. Promise the next blog will be happier. I’ve been trying to find time to write a blog about gardeners world live for months, plus I’ve got loads of photos from our visits to David Austin Roses and the Dorothy Cline gardens. I’ll get round to it eventually.
13 Aug, 2014
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I didn't know whether to click 'like' for your blog or not, but found it such a fascinating read, that I did :o)
I'm sorry to hear about your tree but had to laugh at your neighbour falling backwards. I've got a vivid imagination and could see it happen in my mind lol :D
And so they should pay you for a replacement.
I hope they don't paint their fence that horrid colour :( I hate it as well.
I'll never understand workmen (that's what I call them) They never turn up, and when they say they'll phone back, they never do ! It's infuriating >:(
14 Aug, 2014
lets hope if they only paint their side the red doesn't dribble down on your side. Green with red streaks ARGGH.
but credit to the neighbours for offering to replace the tree. Take the money for the replacement tree you and oH deserve to get it to help alleviate the stress.
14 Aug, 2014
Such a shame Sam. If it was me, and you have room in your garden, I would leave the old stump in and see what happens. It may through some new shoots out in a month or two. Buy a new one and keep it in the pot overwinter. Depending on what happens to the stump, decide what to do then, ie dig out and replace, or plant a second one maybe?
It's a little difficult to visualise, or advise without any photos.
PS If it was me I'd be the same as your OH! Some people are just downright careless. They could have taken all sorts of precautions to prevent this from happening!
14 Aug, 2014
Thanks Wendy, good luck changing the orange colour. The fence before I painted it was a mix of orangey red and not painted. Since all the fence paints are now water based, covering it up is a right whatnot.
Lol Hywel, must admit it was funny, I can just see her face. Well chippy has once again failed, said he would try to get round last week - no sign. Going to another guy down the road today see if he can do it. Will not go near the guy who let us down again. Stupid of him really.
Thanks sbg, I hope so to. Shouldn't have too much of a problem with red dribbles as its the vertical slat type fence, that doesn't tend to dribble as much thankfully. I can handle a few dribbles, its just if the whole thing is orange.
Thanks Alan. Your right, it wasn't rocket science to work out the unsupported end of the fence was probably going to fall. Hell if they needed help I was there they only had to shout. Wish I had room to leave the damaged tree, but with the layout of the garden were worried about damage from the roots. Saying that so far the tree is still upright and not looking too bad. Think its starting to droop now though. They haven't finished the fence so it will probably be next week before we decide what to do. OH is all for replacing it (can't say I'm arguing much mind).
So far so good, the fence framing is up, they haven't nicked any ground and I don't think there's any more damage, I haven't been out and inspected yet though, so I might be proven wrong yet.
16 Aug, 2014
What an awful thing to have happened ! Now I'm going to apologise now before I say something ! The Eucalyptus tree grows absolutely enormous ...and I mean enormous , very quickly. Are you sure you want to have such a big tree with damaging roots ? Sorry ! I bought one and kept it in a huge pot , but in no time at all, its roots broke the pot ! I couldn't find anywhere in my garden where it could grow as big as it wanted , so I'm afraid it went into the compost! It actually was very cheap from our local nursery, only £1 ! Now I know why ! If your heart is set on one , then please forgive me for being outspoken !
16 Aug, 2014
Thanks Rose. No appologies necessary, I'd have been glad you told me. As it is we know it can become a monster. I thought about it for ages before deciding to get one for that very reason. We've planted it in a spot where it shouldn't be able to do much damage, but we're planning on hard pruning each year. If it gets too big or too much out it will go. We figured it's such a gorgeous tree it was worth a try (especially as it isn't too expensive).
Fence is now complete. My marvellous neighbour creosoted our side much to my disgust. Thankfully not that horrible orange colour but it's turned the green a sort of muddy green colour. She said she did it to protect the fence - clearly doesn't know the paint does the same job. So lucky me gets to repaint the whole damn fence again. I could have cried yesterday.
We've been to fetch a new tree today. It's not as nice a shape but it's better than the poor thing we have now, which is currently leaning forward a fair bit from the break. Just need to get it planted.
Chippy has come back with the latest excuse (death in the family) but said he will be here Tuesday. Hmm not holding my breath. I feel quite mean not being more sympathetic, but he's let us down so many times now I've just lost all sympathy for him. Well we'll see what happens Tuesday eh.
17 Aug, 2014
It seems you're not having a good week Sam ! It can only get better ! !
I'm pleased you didn't take offence. Ooh pardon the pun ! Hahaa!
18 Aug, 2014
God I hope so Rose. OH and I painted the first bit last night after work (just in case chippy shows up). Didn't finish till after 9. Am a tad sleepy this morning lol.
Lol no offence taken (ish lol), we've left the fence in place as well.
19 Aug, 2014
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Oh dear Sam - you are having a time of it! Totally agree about fence colour. All of our fencing is painted green apart from one new section at our pond garden - some total senior moment made me paint it that horrible orangey colour! Must find time to paint it green, Hope you manage to get a new tree.
14 Aug, 2014