new deck
By sanbaz
today baz did our first new deck, he started about 11am and now its 7pm and he just finished, it took longer than first thought because we had to move alot of loose stones first for the frame to sit, that in its self was hard work, after the frame was down baz was on a roll, there wasnt alot i could do but fetch and carry, in between brewing up, all in all he has done a fantastic job, his poor back is killing him so a hot bath and a good rub down i think,here are a few pics and once i have set out with pots and my bistro table and chairs i will put them pics on to, thanx for reading about our new deck and hope you like it as much as i do :o)…sandra,,, ps, of course angelina had to come and inspect everything,,,lol
here is the end result now bistro set and pots are in place, im sure i will add to it though and the surounding area has to be finished off
2 May, 2009
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lol poor baz is soaking in bath with his back,, still got another deck to do under trees yet,, but i dont think it will be this weekend,, thanx madmum :o)
2 May, 2009
Fantastic .... looks like someone has waved a magic wand! Baz will think differently I guess :)
2 May, 2009
thanx dawn... lol i think at the moment he wishes he had a magic wand for his back :o( he`s very pleased with his work though
2 May, 2009
this is really really pretty, what a fab job Baz has done (mookins pats Baz gently on the back ...patpat)
it looks lovely and am really jealous
x x x
2 May, 2009
All the hard work has certainly been well worth it. But shhhh, you need to make him feel appreciated now so you can get the next job out of him, ha, ha.
2 May, 2009
thanx mookins i will pass your msg on to baz,,, shall i send him round mookins? yes i do show him how i appreciate him dawn,, and cant wait till next deck is done lol
2 May, 2009
It works for me, lol x
2 May, 2009
me to lol x
2 May, 2009
Its gorgeous Sanbaz..........wonder if I could get Ray to stay awake long enough to attempt something like this?
2 May, 2009
Doubt it Milky, lol.
2 May, 2009
funny milky, im sure you could,, does ray like to get stuck into a project?
2 May, 2009
Good work, Baz! Can you read the compliments from your flat position? Great job, it looks really lovely.
2 May, 2009
well done, it looks as if it has been down for ages. and plants already:o)
2 May, 2009
As if by magic!
2 May, 2009
baz thanx everyone for their kind words,, knees hurting as well as back now,, poor old thing,,
spritz... dont think he will be able to move from this sofa when its time for bed lol
seaburn... i did have plenty of pots anyway just now i have somewhere new for them,, off to carboot in search of new things 2moz,,,
2 May, 2009
Wow! You are lucky! Of course Angelina had to inspect it, she might find some nice "mices" under there! Lol! Our cats find theirs under our shed, maybe one day Angelina will leave one by your door? Sooooo thoughtful of you to provide for her!
I saw on the BBC wildlife programme someone who made a hole on purpose for hedgehogs to sleep under, I thought that was so cute!
I tried to persuade my hubby to get one built for us. No go, and even getting a new patio will be difficult for him to agree to I think, sob!
2 May, 2009
would be nice if it was a case of magic dawn,, but then again you get more pleasure standing back and seeing what you have achieved dont you think
2 May, 2009
aww craft... is your hubby not into DIY,,and it would be lovely to see some hedghogs living under the deck
2 May, 2009
Definitely San ... I love to go back out late evening after a hard's days work to survey what I've achieved. :)
2 May, 2009
me to dawn,, infact now we are getting the garden on track i could sleep out there lol
2 May, 2009
Aww, bless you - exciting isnt it. :)
2 May, 2009
it sure is,, i so love all we are doing with the garden :o)
2 May, 2009
Good for you San, you'll be so proud of all your hard work.
2 May, 2009
yes and looking forward to having family round for BBQ this summer to show it off :o)
2 May, 2009
They'll love it. All we need now is a good summer :-;
2 May, 2009
now that would be magic lol
2 May, 2009
Your not wrong San. Goy members were saying last week that the Met Office are predicting a good Summer - I so hope they are right - been so horrible the last 2 years. And more importantly your decking needs christening after Baz's hard work. :)
2 May, 2009
well fingers crossed for a good summer and we can all enjoy our garden and the hard work we all on GOY have put into what we have...cheers
2 May, 2009
:-))))) I agree.
2 May, 2009
anyway im off here for tonight dawn so will catch you soon,, nite x
2 May, 2009
Lovely chatting to you San, sleep tight x
2 May, 2009
enjoyed the chat to ,, thanx dawn :o)
2 May, 2009
2 May, 2009
It Looks Fabulous Sanbaz, Its so exciting isn't it, when hub built our first Deck I wanted to sleep on it Too :) Hope Baz's Back is better today, What would we do without them EH...
3 May, 2009
thanx dee, yes it is exciting, baz isnt good with his back today, he`s soaking in the bath again and then some heat cream rubbed in,, hope he gets better soon i need my other deck doing lol,,, im so bad ha ha ,, love him really
3 May, 2009
Hahahaha, Yeah your Bad :)))
3 May, 2009
Looks great San know how Baz feels with his bad back i had 1 all week with the new pond going in.
3 May, 2009
yes its no joke clarice, been rubbing cream into his back but no change and he`s quite stuburn and wont take any painkillers, so just plenty of rest, but the deck is great and he is pleased with his work
3 May, 2009
Deck looks great, well done Baz, and all your pretty pots really brighten it up. Looking forward to seeing your garden develop, so lucky you have Baz helping with the hard work, though I'm sure he is lucky to have you aswell - it all kind of evens out with them doing their bits then we come along and make it all look really lovely and run them a bath!
3 May, 2009
thanx puddles, yes he is so good even though he doesnt do gardening he does enjoy doing things like the deck, but he is suffering with his back today,so ive made a fuss of him, fetching and carrying,, but we love our garden now it has developed more
3 May, 2009
I do hope he's better soon
3 May, 2009
thanx dawn,, im sure with a couple of days rest he will be good again :o)
3 May, 2009
thanx avis,its suprising how you can change an area just in an afternoon, i just have to sort out around the tree with all the dead grass and get some plants in there to make the surounding area look pretty,,
6 May, 2009
Sorry to be late! No, hubby not into DIY, well, only if I nag him but I'm not a nagger! Lol!! I'm just grateful he is with us! Lol!!
6 May, 2009
thats lovely craft... and i know what you mean, wouldnt want to be without my hubby either,,
7 May, 2009
Hehe! It's too easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget what's really important. I didn't mean that he's been ill with cancer or anything! He has a really hard time at work and is constantly worried about his job. Sooo hard for men these days I feel.
7 May, 2009
yes it is craft, not knowing if the place you work is going to go under, so many loosing jobs these days thanx to mr brown and his clowns lol
7 May, 2009
Good job Bazzy boy!!
So glad our deck was already here, especially seein how it runs across the whole of the back of the house and is 2ft off the floor!!
Looks brill SB and as I'm reading your blogs, I can see the garden taking shape....
29 Jul, 2009
thanx OB, its ammazing how quick it all comes together, strange looking back at this pic,baz is no gardenener but will build and do heavy jobs for me,:o)
30 Jul, 2009
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Great job! Do you hire Baz out? lol
2 May, 2009