My garden is blooming
By sanbaz
Hi Guys,
The weather in Blackpool has been hot and sunny all week, but think its to end starting tomorrow with rain forcast.
We have enjoyed doing a few things in the garden this week keeping it tidy and deadheading some of the spent flowers round and about, a bit of weeding where i can reach in between my plants.
Every year i say im going to split them up but dont and i barely see any soil once its grown and flowered for summer, i couldnt possibly plant anything else lol.
I havent done so many pots etc this year as there is so much going on at the moment mainly my brother being so ill last 7 months and still not sure whats wrong, but will hopefully know on monday when he goes to hospital for results, we know they have found something as they told him but is it sinister or not we dont yet no, but having lost 4 stone and been in constant pain every day for 7 months its not good, it breaks my heart to see him suffer and hope its sorted out soon and pray it isnt what we fear.
Anyway back to my garden and have taken a few pics to show you, i have to say having our gardens is the best medicine and theropy when life is a bit harsh.
Hope your all ok and enjoying your gardens to, hope the bad weather doesnt stay long
Hope you enjoyed the tour and will hope to catch up on all your photos soon but at the moment my brother is my priority, take care and happy gardening to you all :o)) xx
21 Jun, 2013
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So sorry to hear about your brother,San..let's hope it is positive news for you have had a rotten time of it,so fingers crossed for him..
Your garden is looking wonderful,and much further advanced than Roses and Delphs,are only just budding..I like your trough with the Begonias in,..I have bought lots of Begonias this year,and considering I used to hate,them,for some reason I changed my mind last year..:o) very low maintenance,so a plus for me:o) Love your pond area,and that white Rose is beautiful..take care,and chin
22 Jun, 2013
Hi sanbaz great pictures of your plants and garden.Sorry to hear about your brother he is in our thoughts.We hope things go well on monday for you all xxx
22 Jun, 2013
Wonderful plants Sanbaz. Sorry to hear about your brother, hope it all gets sorted soon and that he gets positive news soon.
22 Jun, 2013
Hi San, sorry to hear about your brother. Fingers crossed. Your garden is looking beautiful. I agree the garden is a saviour when we go through hard times. It has certainly helped me in the past.
22 Jun, 2013
Sorry to hear about your brother Sandra, do hope you have some good news....
Your garden is looking good, lovely pics...
22 Jun, 2013
Your garden looks fantastic Sandra. Hope your brother gets some good news and help with his problem.
22 Jun, 2013
Hi Sandra ..
Garden looking pretty ..
I hope your brother is in good health soon . xxx
22 Jun, 2013
Many thanx to you all for well wishes for my brother, much appreciate it Guys and Girlies, been to see him this morning and having a bad day today so cant wait for them to get him sorted and hear something monday.
The trough i was given by art carole who runs the tuesday group i go to, she wanted someone who she knew would look after it and use it to have it as she wanted to do less gardening and also gave me a lovely stone pot to, i love them.
the Hydragea has gone mad this year with so many blooms to, i have another which is pretty much pot bound so chopped it back ready to disguard and its grown again and flowered so must try and rescue it from the pot haha.
I have to say i dont think about where to plant anything, i just do it reguardless of colour or hight half the time, but it all mingles and i like it that way, if its perfect it would stress me out worrying about where things should or shouldnt go and colours,,, so no not for me even if i love perfect gardens, i stress out enough haha.
had some rain and wind lastnight and not have had to wedge canes across the front of my pond baskets as they almost went over , but luckerly the net stopped that happening, so hope the canes help, sunshine now so may go for a walk to blow the cobwebs off.
enjoy your day everyone :o))) xx
22 Jun, 2013
I hope your brother has good news on Monday ...
that the doctors can help him ..
Enjoy your walk :o) xx
22 Jun, 2013
Hi Terra and many thanx, walk delayed untill shower passes xxx
22 Jun, 2013
Your garden is looking wonderful I know what you are going through my only brother we were 5 girl's and 1 boy has been battling Prostate Cancer for two years and it's one day at a time so say positive and I hope your news will be good .
22 Jun, 2013
I hope your brother will be all right Sandra. You must be very worried about him. I'm sure they'll do all they can to treat him though.
Your garden is lovely. I hope the nice weather comes back soon. x
22 Jun, 2013
thankyou kidsgran, you have a large family like me to, two girls including myself and three lads younger,im so sorry about your brother, hope he keeps as well as possible x
Hi Hywel and thankyou, its taken months to get to this stange with so many tests, so hopefully things will get sorted out now they know where the trouble is,
i was hoping for good weather tomorrow Hywel as we are going to Woodvale rally southport, first time and ment to be a great day out, classic cars, aircraft, carboot allsorts of interesting things to see and do.
enjoy the rest of your weekend to ;o) x
22 Jun, 2013
Your garden looks delightful Sanbaz, I do hope the news is good for your brother -take care.
22 Jun, 2013
Your garden is lovely San, So sorry your brother has been so poorly for so long, what a worry for you all, may he have a good result on Monday and the treatment to aid his return to good health x
22 Jun, 2013
Looking lovely Sandra and the pond looks fab:)
24 Jun, 2013
thankyou Denise and Neena for your kind comments :o))
Thanx Nana with high winds last few days its blown water out of my pond because of fountain i guess, so keep topping up lol, poor fish dont know if they are comming or going :o))
24 Jun, 2013
Sad news about my brother, it is bad as we thought but untill more scans have been done friday then going to manchester christies hospital to see specialist, will then know if they can help him, so im praying they can, but he is very weak and frail, cant eat much if anything some days.
so i will be spending most of my spare time with him and my sister-in-law to help and suport them both.
thanx again for all your well wishes. xxx
24 Jun, 2013
Thinking of you San, so sorry the news was not as you hoped, they can do so much nowadays and do hope the specialist has good news for you all.
24 Jun, 2013
thankyou Neena, finally gave him pain relief which works after 7 months of none stop pain, so today he enjoyed the day without pain, i stayed with him and his wife all day, nice to chat and relax, we all trying to be possitive. x
25 Jun, 2013
Just caught up with your blog, Sanbaz. So sorry to hear about your brother but hope the specialist can do something to help but such a worry for you all. As you say, gardens can be a comfort at times like this.
25 Jun, 2013
Your garden looks very full and colourful Sandra..your delphiniums are certainly doing better than mine...
Very very sorry to hear what you're all going through!
26 Jun, 2013
Sorry to hear your brothers news, glad he now has pain relief, my thoughts are with you and your family. Xx
27 Jun, 2013
Thankyou so much Gee, Paul and Holly, i need to get some weeding done after rain my block paving is a nightmare, cant keep up.
Nice today but just gone a bit overcast, but got my washing done anyway lol, hope you all enjoy your weekend :o)))
29 Jun, 2013
Sorry to hear the news about your brother Sandra it is at times like these you will all need to keep positive. Thinking of you and your family. Take care and I love the pictures of your garden it is looking so very colourful..
18 Jul, 2014
I see this was a year ago has anyone heard from her?
19 Jul, 2014
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Looking champion San, so sorry to hear about your brother, hope all will be sorted very soon, life can be a bum... cant it? keep gardening and keep happy..xx
21 Jun, 2013