bad area update
By sanbaz
today i decided to go to the nursery and get a few plants for the bad area,, im very impatient and have taken on board all your great suggestions, the tree will be being cut right back and changed into a bird feeding station, and here is a few plants that i got today, will be adding more but my plant allowance has run dry this week lol, we all know why and its name begins with B,, lol, not that he said anything but them rolling eyes say enough ,, he he ,
10 May, 2009
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well done you it's coming along nicely - keep us up to date with photos of your little project - I get the rolling eyes too - it's got to the point I hide new plants in the car until he's not looking and sneak them in (my friends do this with their new shoes and like them I say "ah no I've had that for ages"!!!) ;)
10 May, 2009
thanx michaela a friend has offered me some free rocks to line the edge so think that would look good dont you?
angie.. your right think im going to do that cause i do it with clothes and shoes, so whats one more thing going to hurt lol
10 May, 2009
Oooh there lovely Sandra, they should fill out and cover the soil in no time :) I bet they cost quite a bit, I know hosta's are quite expensive, and to think you just split them and get plants for free, I think the GCs rip us off, I saw a hosta the same size as yours for £7 99 at B&Q.., Shocking.. What i usually do is, buy Plants from OCT untill Jan for next to nothing,£1 and 50p for a pot full of soil haha, but by spring there popping up ready to go :) ...Dee..
Posted at the same time, The rocks will look great..
10 May, 2009
Looking well San, dont get that problem being on my own, i buy quite a few plants in winter, looks like your buying dead plants, but they are a lot cheaper, like last november i sent for 3hostas, i only had to pay £3-99 postage and they are comimg up really well, plus there the ones that are less likely to get attact by the slugs & snails.
10 May, 2009
Well done Clarice, great bargain there, I bought 5 big Daddy Hostas for £1. in janurary, there £8.99.each to buy in spring, Makes you feel good doesen,t it...
10 May, 2009
thanx dee and clarice, got all plants for £17 around the corner at our new village nursery, the hosta was £4.50 which i thought was very good,, so i think i did well for what i got, and like you said dee can split the clumps as they grow,
10 May, 2009
I thing this will look lovely as the plants grow and flower, I am like you I can't wait to get the plants in. One year I planted loads and them had to dig them all up a few weeks later while my husband (Richard) made my raised bed! They all survived, even though it was a really hot, they just went a bit droppy then perked up the next day. I know you've planted now, but you just must look at some pics of Solomans Seal, there are some gorgeous ones, they have little hanging white flowers with green tips, I am desperate to get one in my shady border, but no room left - thinking of making it bigger now!
10 May, 2009
Thats a nice selection San,hope you get the tree sorted soon, I have three stumps in my garden, one has a bird house on the top and with the plants growing around it at the base it blends in well,my old plum tree was turned into a planter using an old train wheel and a metal plant basket,I,m very pleased with that one and a few weeks ago we had to cut down a very large conifer which admittedly looks odd at the min but I,ve planted a honeysuckle and going to get a new clematis as well as using it to hang a couple of baskets on in dogs play area so in a couple of years it will be transformed,you can disguise anything San and make it useful as well........
10 May, 2009
thanx puddles and yes i will look that up, always room for more lol, hope you get your solomans seal :o)
yes lincs... there is always something we can make from a cut down tree,, love honeysuckle to,, mum has one in her garden ummm that scent
10 May, 2009
Like the planting SB. Gonna look for some Hostas for near the pond....when it's in! Hopefully in next week or so, weather permitting... Nice shady area too.
29 Jul, 2009
should be lovely near pond, this area was hard to plant because of tree in mound of soil, which was here before i came along i might add lol, so put easy shady plants and its really filling out now,also put large slate edging to finish off, thanks for looking :o)
30 Jul, 2009
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Very nice. I like it. Will soon fill up.
10 May, 2009