garden raider
By sanbaz
today i picked my oldest son up who is staying with his dad till he moves in his council flat, when there i noticed in his overgrown garden(he just moved in by the way),there were alot of wild plants which spread so i decided to raid it lol, anyway when i dropped my son back i went equiped with trowl and bags, this is what i left with for now heheh,
as you can see i got them home and planted right away, some in my wild corner behind the trees, and some near my new deck round sycamore tree,
then i called my ex and asked could i have some off his plants lol,, luckerly he said take whatever you like , woooo, thank god he said yes,,, mind you he wouldnt have noticed anyway so overgrown,, 5th plant down i dont know the name!
20 May, 2009
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i just may do that, i think he is going to have his garden landscaped eventually so he isnt that bothered what i take,, it really is a big garden and john is so busy in his job and partly dissabled so it needs to be sorted out, so i think i will be back for more lol
20 May, 2009
You found hidden treasure :-)
20 May, 2009
Wow ~ some wonderful finds there :o)
20 May, 2009
i did lynne, and think i may have some more lol
great finds TT, and each year they will get larger, especially in my tree corner, i really needed something to take over,, nice to attract the wildlife to
20 May, 2009
I love the poached egg plant at the top it has bigger flowers than mine so am jealous! Don't know what no5 is i'm afraid.
20 May, 2009
thanx sewing... im sure i will find out at some point,, maybe when it gets flowers
20 May, 2009
#5 is some sort of dead nettle I think... good luck with all the new plants
20 May, 2009
Didnt you do well! got some great plants there . I think number 5 downis called LAMIUM it sometimes has a white or silver stripe down the centre of the leaves and pink or purple flowers. I have some and have put a picture of it to compare [especially for you]
20 May, 2009
Lovely finds Sandra - and free too, lol, which makes it even better.
I agree, pic 5 is an ornamental nettle, I have some, they like semi shade and make a good ground cover plant.
20 May, 2009
it is a lamium or dead nettle. . a good days raiding and glad you got ex's approval.
20 May, 2009
Well done San,every little helps and that is a good selection.........
21 May, 2009
thanx moon :o)
thanx for that PP, will take a look, think you could be right, remember seeing stripes on his main plant :o)
cheers sea... he can sometimes be kind lol
and thanx lincs... not bad hey for first raid lol
21 May, 2009
Happy days Sandra I bet your little eyes lit up when you seen what was on offer :)
22 May, 2009
they certainly did angie, i may ask for more now, lol
22 May, 2009
I think the leaves (or one leaf!) on No.5 look a little like a Coleus leaf Sandra though not sure? and no.4 a Hosta?-slugs favourite!
The all look a good addition to your garden anyway!
8 Aug, 2009
thanx richard, yes i like hosta and thanx cause number 5 i didnt know :o))
9 Aug, 2009
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Wow! A good selection of freebies there Sanbaz...are you going back later to pinch some
20 May, 2009