What did you do on Saturday afternoon?
By scotsgran
Two guesses who invited us along to see their Garden. I’ll give you a clue. The host was very welcoming.
If you did not recognise Jamie then how about the fisherman who seems determined to catch something for tea.
We spent a lovely afternoon with Bjs, his OH, Jamie and Valadel another Goy member who lives close to them.
I was a bit concerned because I knew the garden has been crafted from the side of a steep hill but my worries were soon dissolved when I found it is totally accessible even to old creakies like OH and I. It was full of surprises at every turn and I took lots of photographs which are rubbish but I include one or two of the Thalictrum which seems to have come out a reasonable shade of blue using my camera. First the single one
and then the double one
These are both lovely but it is very obviuos that the main interest for Bjs is his beloved alpines. There are troughs of all shapes and sizes and made of lots of different materials. The end results are very lovely. A great tip he gave me was to plot the contents of each container on an A4 sheet of paper and then laminate it. This is then a permanent reminder of what is in each pot because so many alpines disappear for months on end. Here are just two of the many dotted around the garden. The cyclamen are already in flower here in the south. At home in Scotland only my leaves are showing.
A visit to Bjs is not complete without the visitor carrying off some treasures. I will let you see those in a later blog. Thank you for a lovely afternoon which strengthened the budding interest in gardening only recently awakened in my OH. His first words as we drove away was “I would never have believed that was possible. I’m so glad we came.” I can’t end without a big thank to his OH for being such a lovely hostess.
13 Aug, 2012
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Next post: Travelling the world in Scotland.
How lovely to meet up.
Is that a Hibiscus I see in flower?
13 Aug, 2012
Very nice too. Bjs is a very nice man and his garden looks fantastic.
13 Aug, 2012
what a lovely day out,
13 Aug, 2012
Good for you Scotg.how nice to nose around someones elses garden and that your OH enjoyed it too. Who knows you might get more help outside now and OH might even have some good ideas for your garden now.
13 Aug, 2012
How lovely for you Scotsgran. Its lovely for us Goyers , to see a garden we think we know, from anothers perspective. Its great too that the visit has enthused your OH to take up gardening again. I look forward to seeing the results!
13 Aug, 2012
I like the Thalictrum in the first picture. Looks like fairies dancing in the breeze.
13 Aug, 2012
I would like to say that it was privilage to show Sheila and Walter( hope you don't mind me useing your names)around the garden, both charming and entertaining guests and more than welcome back any time you are in the West Country. I also have an idea regarding the Bamboo if you are serious about useing one in your garden.
13 Aug, 2012
Lulu the offer is permanently open although green leaves are now more prominent than flowers.
13 Aug, 2012
What a beautiful garden. You must have had a lovely time!
13 Aug, 2012
How enjoyable to get together with other gardening friends and kind of Brian and his wife to be prepared to share their lovely garden - and gorgeous Jamie too. Great when you come away inspired.
13 Aug, 2012
Gorgeous gardens and lovely for you to share them in person. What a great blog!
13 Aug, 2012
Nice visit, always good to hear about Goyers meeting up - I have to say I like looking round others gardens, but most of all, I like sitting in them and chatting, preferably with a nice cup of tea, lol
14 Aug, 2012
Thank you Brian..........we must get together........x to Jamie
14 Aug, 2012
It was a wonderful day for us. Yes Cinderella and very generous with his advice and plants. I admired a daphne and he was very pleased to tell me that it came from you. His garden is full of friends. Grandmage my OH has always willingly carried out the building of any any hard landscaping ideas I came up with but just lately he has begun to take an interest in the plants too. Poppy this is a first time interest for him because he was never very interested in the garden except for the fact that it was a pleasant space to sit in on the odd occasion when he got the opportunity. Bb I would not have been surprised to find real fairies at the bottom of this garden. I think they were just shy the day we were there. Thank you for your kind comments Brian. We really appreciated the effort you went to in allowing us to visit your truly magical space. Yes I am even more interested in using the bamboo now having seen it growing in a real situation. It is always difficult to judge from photos and from pots in a garden centre just what you might expect when a plant comes in to your own garden. I'll look forward to hearing your ideas. Lulu the hibiscus was a lot taller than that but i was trying to get a pic of the fisherman. He is beautiful. In fact it seemed a bit ridiculous to keep saying Wow! at every turn but it is that kind of garden. Mel, Tuesday and Julie it was just magical. Bamboo we were not short changed on the nice cup of tea. Brians wife is a top hostess and makes a mean cuppa. Meeting other Goy members and their families is adding a new dimension to the word retired. No wonder people think us oldies live a charmed life, if they know Brian.
15 Aug, 2012
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What a delightful day for you, the gardens look superb
13 Aug, 2012