My Oriental Lilies
By scotsgran
I thought it would be quicker to show these all together. Oriental lilies are much loved by florists because their trumpets are upward facing. If you do pick them for the house remember to nip out the centres or the pollen will stain anything it touches.
10 Aug, 2012
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They're beautiful. I think I'd have to leave them in the garden. It would be a pitty to take out the centres - the anthers are part of their beauty :o)
10 Aug, 2012
I think this is a very good year for these lilies your are lovely Scotg., I have had some beauties too. A good tip : leave the pistil in place and only cut away the stamen (the ones with the pollen) this makes the flower last just that bit longer.
10 Aug, 2012
Beautiful - indoors or out! (If I've grown them myself, they remain outdoors!)
10 Aug, 2012
It wasn't a good year for my lilies but yours are a lovely sight to behold.
10 Aug, 2012
Thank you everybody, I never cut flowers for the house as I would not have time to enjoy them. I like to leave them growing and you are right they last much longer outdoors. I hope the dreaded lily beetles never come this far north.
13 Aug, 2012
Fantastic display and hoping that mine eventually flower. Our little corner of Northumberland has got a weird timeline going on where the Japanese Anemones are flowering way before their usual slot in the flowering timetable but very welcome indeed!
13 Aug, 2012
My Jap. Anemones are flowering but only 2-3 weeks ahead of normal. The lilies have had a funny year. My stargazers had buds but they all rotted before opening and that was back in late May.
15 Aug, 2012
My lillies have just burst open in the last couple of days and the scent is divine! Will try to post some pics over the weekend. Bought some new white ones called "Heavenly Lilies" and when I had a close up sniff of them I understood why they had been named :-) My mum had some problems with her lily buds dropping off this year which is a shame. Mine have had some spots which look like rust but hasn't stopped them budding up and flowering.
17 Aug, 2012
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Lovely, and I agree about pinching out the centre if bringing indoors as I have an allergy to them, but no symptems if the centre is removed. Sadly though it does shorten the life of the bloom by 40-50%.
10 Aug, 2012