SRGC Dunblane Early Bulb Display
By scotsgran
I make no apology for adding this advert to the blogs. Scottish Rock Garden Club Dunblane Early Bulb Display 15 February Lectures, display and plant sales
11.00 Anne Wright ‘Make your own daffodils (and snowdrops)’, covering bulb propagation, including twin-scaling, and breeding including many of Anne’s own hybrids.
2.00pm Diane Clement ‘Hepaticas, a growing obsession’
Scottish and I are off to enjoy a wonderfully packed day out on Saturday. We are hoping to see Moongrower and Bulbaholic if the snow does not block them in. Bulba runs the book stand so you can’t miss him. I went along to the show last year and came away with exciting purchases from both the members stand and also the trade stands. This years lectures should appeal to many of our members so if you are within travelling distance do come along. We will be very pleased to put faces to names. If you let us know you are coming we can arrange to meet up. Below are some photos of just one of the bulbs I bought and you do not come across these in your local GC. The hall is across the road from the railway station.
13 Feb, 2014
Previous post: Iris Katharine Hodgkin' forgotten and neglected.
Next post: SRGC Early Bulb display Dunblane 15.2.14
Better leave your money at home then, lol, hope you both have a good time and I know that you will find something to take home and I don't blame you really...
13 Feb, 2014
Hope you have a lovely day hope the weather stays nice for you, shall await your new buys :o))
13 Feb, 2014
Thank you all. We hope to have some nice photos to share with you. We'll take a packed lunch Linclass, doesn't do to run out of money at these events. Might be better to leave the bank card at home though.
13 Feb, 2014
LOL, Thats right, then the money you save not having to buy food will get you an extra treat for the garden, good thinking......
13 Feb, 2014
wish I could get up there.
I'm off down to Caerleon for hopefully and Alpine event this Saturday. weather permitting.
13 Feb, 2014
Should be a great day out. I'm looking forward to it - see you Saturday morning Scotsgran, bright eyed and bushy tailed!
There will be no bank card coming with me - I'm far too easily tempted!
Hope you manage to get to your event SBG.
13 Feb, 2014
What a beautiful plant you got there SG! As you know, I went a couple of years ago. The plant stalls are brilliant. The day I went it was bitter and snowing. Pretty much like now come to think of it, with the cold wind. I shan't make it this year...far too much to do at home. But you have a great day...both of you! :)) I look forward to the blog!
13 Feb, 2014
Really am hoping to see you there, Scotsgran!!!!! We are going down on Friday so that we can navigate Drumochter in daylight; coming home on Sunday for the same reason.
13 Feb, 2014
Bb drive carefully. I was allowed through one night just as the police were closing the snow gates and it was fine but I would not want to be on it with all the snow that is falling on the high ground. I remember you going Karen. I'm sure you would have cleared te stands if there had been any way of getting plants home on the train. SGB I don't know what the weather is like in that part of Wales but it is a brilliant spot. We have been to the college on other occasions It must be a walkers paradise in summer. Have a good time and tell us all about it. See you Saturday Scottish.
13 Feb, 2014
I hope that you all have a great time , and find lots of "reasonable" treasures .
Do take care in the wild weather .
13 Feb, 2014
Sounds like my sort of event, but sadly it's too far away. Hope you have a great time.
13 Feb, 2014
Sheila-you must spend all you take to these kind of events.It's the law.
13 Feb, 2014
Have a lovely day ladies, and congratulations for being strong enough to leave the bankcards at home. Don't think I could do that...
13 Feb, 2014
Driad there is 'reasonable' and there is 'irresistible'. The great thing is that you are buying from known sources for a lot less than you would pay if you have to add postage. Often the postage can be as high as eight pounds minimum and buying from more than one nursery becomes very expensive. I have often emailed traders asking them to bring along something specially for me and it saves a packet. That is why we leave the bank cards at home Steragram. I see we have a fellow conspirator in Pcw, don't worry we will be coming home with a car loaded with goodies and empty pockets. The freezer is full of home made ready meals lol. Andrew why don't you bomb along the M4 to Caerleon and join Sgb. It is a good road if the M4 is passable. They do make you pay for leaving England (totally iniquitous) but its not so very far once you leave the motorway. I would think you could make it in an hour and a half. Its just over half an hour from Bristol. We are hoping the weather is kind to us. I hear Beechgrove Garden are coming along so you might see it on there one of these days.
14 Feb, 2014
I hope you all have a great day and find your little hearts' desires. ;-)
14 Feb, 2014
Thanks SG.
I love the area. daughter at Newport uni and lived on campus at Caerleon for 2 yrs. So far weather looks ok if not a tad blustery.
have camera packed ready :o)
14 Feb, 2014
We'll be thinking of you tomorrow Mouldy and roll on the day when you feel well enough to join us at one of the shows.
We have had a heavy snowfall and icy winds from the east today Sbg but are hopeful it will not be too bad tomorrow. Lucky daughter to live in the area. I have my battery on charge as I have been taking photos of the seeds I got from the seed exchange. It is a good way of remembering what they look like.
14 Feb, 2014
Oh, I won't be slacking, Scotsgran.
The wall behind my trellising is being torn down and a wooden fence put up to replace it with my trellising being pinned to the new fence.
I'll be untying my climbers, staking them for the duration of the job and carefully searching for, then marking where, each and every bulb is planted, so any damage by the builders is minimal.
15 Feb, 2014
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Hope you all get there, have a great day x
13 Feb, 2014