September / October 2015
By scotsgran
I have lots of colour still. Here are a few quick shots taken throughout September and in the first few days of October. There are a few surprises of flowers popping up where I am sure I did not plant them. They are welcome anyway.
One I have yet to plant Crocosmia x crocosmifolia George Davidson.
Firejumper chose to grow here beside some pots. A gift from ? Schizistylus in the pot
Schizistylus close up. It looks so delicate but will grow anywhere
The blackbirds love Leycestria formosa berries which help it spread around the garden. This specimen has grown to over 10ft tall. It is easy to cut back and is a good source of compost material.
The colchicums are doing well. In a pot and around the garden.
I am very happy about the perennial geraniums which are so colourful throughout the summer. Here are seven of the best ones at this time.
G. Ann Thomson is a much better choice for a smaller garden than G. Ann Folkard. It is more compact and less sprawling. I have both.
I love the perennial sweet peas too.
Whether the colours are soft and gentle or bright and garish they do lift our spirits. Foliage is often spectacular.
Scented plants are always special like the Phlox and the late flowering buddleia Weyeriana a gift from Cottage Karen.
This has been an eventful year in lots of negative ways but a walk in the garden puts me back on track. Enjoy.
6 Oct, 2015
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Next post: The AGS Spring Show in Caerleon.
You've got some lovely plants SG....I like C. George Davison ....tried growing it at my old garden but it didn't like the clay and eventually disappeared unlike the mombretia type and the Lucifer, both of which multiplied very quickly in the same soil.
6 Oct, 2015
Sheila they all look lovely, well done you
6 Oct, 2015
Thank you all. Gf I'm sure I will be able to find a spare leycestria for you. I will check when the rain goes off. We have had two very wet and foggy days. I was in two minds whether to venture out to the joint SRGC and Caley meeting in Edinburgh last evening. I pick up a friend on the way in and we did not want to miss a talk by Todd Boland of Canada who is here on a lecture tour. Seeing their version of plants we grow here was an eye opener. Paul the George Davidson was bought at least two years ago and has been thriving in the 2L pot in which I bought it. I'm hoping to get it in soon. The C. Firejumper spreads easily in our garden. It too is a crocosmifolia x and thrives in any well draining soil. I had real difficulty growing C. Lucifer but Steragram sent me some corms on two occasions. The first time was a disaster but this time they are doing well and I am hoping they will clump up as they really do look better in a clump. Thank you Bjs. I think the almost pure white cyclamen was one of the first plants you sent to me. It is doing really well and that pink one with no leaves is very old. I would love to see what size of corm is there under the tree in a pot but I don't want to spoil the effect by disturbing it. There seems to be flowers sprouting out from different areas but there was only one corm planted in there. The leaf pattern on the white one is lovely. I did not realise it had leaves until I tested out blowing it up on here, by using Ctrl and the + sign on the keyboard.
7 Oct, 2015
That would be so kind of you, SG. It's been very wet here too the last 3 days, I'm itching to get back out there.
7 Oct, 2015
What lovely plants, Scotsgran! I so agree about foliage - I love different types of leaves.
9 Oct, 2015
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Lovely pictures, SG, & a great blend of plants, the colours are glorious.
I've just bought a Kaffir lily as it makes such a bright splash & I must look out for Leycestria formosa, I'd forgotten about that one, yours is looking splendid.
Seeing all the colour in yours makes me realise mine is definitely lacking.
6 Oct, 2015