The garden in March 2016.
By scotsgran
I am still struggling to come to terms with Windows 10. The garden has no such problems and flowers on blissfully unaware of my struggles to record what is going on out there.
I do have this white drumstick primula in the garden. A present from Scottish but I wanted to spread it around the garden more quickly so bought this one from the rescue shelf. It is doing well and I will be able to split it up before planting it in the garden.
My wall top boxes outside the kitchen window have seen lots of changes over the years. I love these dwarf tulips. For some reason – probably too much rain – the pansies have struggled.
My first ever alpine primula marginata. It has been growing here for over 20 years.
My latest primula is a recue plant. Primula ‘Primlet’. It is lovely commonly known as the Rosebud Primula because it looks like a rose in bud and is scented. I thought this was a great bargain at only 50p. As you cans see it has cheered up since I gave it a little TLC.
I do have other flowers but I think that is enough to look at in one go.
6 Apr, 2016
Previous post: The AGS Spring Show in Caerleon.
Next post: My April garden
You have some lovely ones there! Drumsticks don't seem to like it here, which is sad as I do like them. I love the wild prims though, there's an innocence about them that's very appealing.
6 Apr, 2016
They really are gorgeous S'gran, I absolutely love them and have lots here as well but feeling very frustrated as this year the sparrows are making a meal out them, for some unknown reason they left my crocus alone and moved onto them instead..Both my daughter and I can never resist the bargain basement buys at our local nursery, we have added lots of plants to our pots and the garden and as you say they only need a touch of tlc, its the same here as regards the pansies, I don't think they liked our weather this year at all....
6 Apr, 2016
Honeysuckle my bargain buy was reduced from £3.99 so I am very pleased with the Primlet. I do always keep new plants out of the garden until I get a chance to ensure there are no nasties attacking them below the surface. I know vine weevil will be busy underground and it is easier to not have it at all than to try and eliminate it later. Prims and Heucheras seem to be especially prone to attack. I love our native primrose Stera. I had difficulty growing it but eventually found somewhere that it will thrive. It spreads around in the lawn too which is lovely. It must be one of the best plants to naturalise in a lawn because it is not a problem that the leaves get pruned when mowing, unlike daffs and crocus which need to be left alone until the foliage dies off and they also need to be fed to ensure flowering the following year. Linclass I have noticed that the birds were leaving the crocus alone here too. The pansies have been a disaster but they are beginning to flower now. I have noticed signs of slug damage but early morning forays have not been lucrative in catching them. I noticed an ant in the utility room last week. I bought a trap for them because I could not find out where they are coming from. I try not to use any noxious substances because it might endanger the birds.
6 Apr, 2016
Very nice indeed. Primulas are my favourite spring flowers. The P. marginata you sent me is still doing well :)
7 Apr, 2016
That bit about mowing is useful to know Scotsgran. I have trained OH to mow round them but I'm sure he will be please to know it doesn't matter when they've finished flowering.
7 Apr, 2016
Lovely, Scotsgran. I love them, too.
I have just upgraded to Windows 10, and I find it much easier than Windows 8, which I loathed. But I do almost everything on the iPad now, except printing. My next printer will have to be compatible with it!
8 Apr, 2016
I love all of them.
8 Apr, 2016
Hywel I am glad your P. Marginata has thrived. It is a glorious little plant. Happy mowing Steragram. After my prims finish flowering I always cut off the leaves and allow them to regenerate on their own. If I have to lift them I also trim the roots back so that I end up with a decimated looking plant but they all grow away again just fine. Olmelchised I am not finding W 10 as easy as the old W7 Professional that I had but practise makes perfect. Thank you Klahanie I do too.
10 Apr, 2016
I liked Windows XP. Windows 8 was a bit of a blip, I find 10 much more intuitive. I don't use the laptop much now - mainly to print my Asda vouchers!
10 Apr, 2016
Love the primulas!
21 Apr, 2016
Hello Stranger! Nice to see you back!
21 Apr, 2016
Thank you Bowl you. I have taken photos of some of my geraniums so will post them soon. The young red foliage is beautiful. I only found out by accident that I can set the camera to resize the photos before I take them. That is a big help, I really do need to read the manual but time is short. I have been very busy clearing old foliage away from the red hot pokers. It has been one heavenly week weather wise but the forecast is saying we could have snow again next week. It sleeted then snowed last Friday but has been much better since then. If I do not clear out the rubbish I will not be able to do it as we have alliums and Crocosmia Lucifer and lilies all starting to show between the red hot pokers.
22 Apr, 2016
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Those are lovely and I see you are like me, can't resist giving a helping hand to some of the sad plants that have been reduced! Primulas are excellent for that as they respond easily, can be split happily and you get lots for your pennies. I just bought some Primula Vulgaris, our own native primroses, and some pretty variations on a cowslip theme - 4 for a £2, so of course came home with 8! They were in good condition, just past the selling time for Primulas.
I see you also have a lovely patch of Primula Wanda the vivid purple one. I have always had this and carted it from house to house until it eventually died/got eaten/disappeared. Now I have bought some more tiny little bits from the internet last year and they are colonising again.
The Alpine one is gorgeous!
6 Apr, 2016