Seed time at SRGC
By scotsgran
For the last six months SRGC members have collected, donated, packed and distributed thousands of seeds. I only helped with packing and I find it a very exciting job. More exciting though is the day the seed order arrives. Did I get that longed for seed or was it in very short supply? I thought you might come on my latest adventure with me. It might be seven years before some of these seeds will flower but the anticipation will surely keep me going that long. The seeds left over after all the orders are filled will be taken to all the SRGC shows. Anyone, member or not, can purchase the seeds for only 20p a packet or 6 packs for £1. The first show is in Dunblane this Saturday. It opens at 10am and there will be speakers, trade stands and a lovely display of flowering bulbs brought along by the members. The members stand selling donated plants and the tearoom will no doubt be very busy. Do come along if you live within travelling distance. The hall is opposite the railway station.
I am not showing photos of flowers only seed but they can all be found on the internet. I will try and give a short description of each. If I have got something wrong please tell me.
Very tall spikes of white flowers with a red stripe along each petal pop up from a grassy looking clump of blue leaves.
Similar campanula to our Scottish blue bell.
Tiny seeds for such a large leaved plant.
A fragrant shrub
Low growing saxifrage like plant with pink/white flowers on long scapes.
Lovely lacy white leaves edged in green with blue flowers
Might be 2-3 years before these fritillaries flower
I fell in love with this one when I saw a photo of it.
Unusual sweet pea with huge seeds.
Much smaller seeds on this perennial sweet pea
I do like bulbs and this is so pretty. A bit like a nerine it is an autumn flowerer.
According to one collector this is the blackest flower he has ever seen but it also grows in pale cream so my fingers and toes are crossed.
13 Feb, 2017
Previous post: January 2017
Next post: what jumped in to my trolley at SRGC Dunblane Early Bulb event
Oh wow!!! What an amazing collection of seeds !! How exciting ,most I had to google , so wish I lived nearer so I could go to one of the shows.
13 Feb, 2017
Simbad you can join the SRGC online and then you can order seeds from the Seed exchange which will be sent to you. It is too late for this year as it has been distributed already but you can check out the seed list on the SRGC website. If you fancy anything pm me and I will try and get seeds at one of the shows. I dk if the AGS sell spare seeds at their shows but they do have a similar seed exchange.
Bjs the Colchicum can take two years to germinate and then 5 to 6 years to flowering so I am building myself up to be patient. If anything flowers earlier I will be very pleased. I just love all the different seeds for plants which I had never even heard of until I joined the SRGC and GOY. I have printed out the labels and stuck them on 6" plastic labels. Some of these seeds need cold stratification and the weather looks to be perfect for them if I can keep them reasonably dry. It is icy here at the moment but no snow lying yet. The wind from Siberia would cut you in half.
13 Feb, 2017
I've just checked out the SRGC online, I've never heard of it , what a fantastic selection of seeds !! I'm seriously considering joining , it'll take me quite a while to look through the list and google the ones I don't know , thankyou so much for the offer of looking out for seeds for me if I see anything I'll message you :-))
15 Feb, 2017
Scotsgran is a very valuable member of Goy. We are so lucky to have her.
16 Feb, 2017
You are welcome Simbad. Dianebulley thank you for your kind words but I get excited about the discoveries I make and need to tell someone. It is very nice to be able to talk (blog) with other more experienced gardeners or share what I have learned with new comers to the hobby. There is always someone who will listen. Thank you all. I am in my seventies now but have had lots of fun finding out that a second childhood is a great blessing.
16 Feb, 2017
What a haul. that will keep you out of mischief for a while :o)
I've had tulbaghia and it is a pretty plant but I've never been able to keep it longer that 2 seasons. I was told to treat it like a semi hardy agapanthus. sadly I didn't :o(. but it is beautiful.
those large peas sound divine are they perennial?
17 Feb, 2017
I hope so Sbg. The RHS advice on the Tulbaghia is that it is H3 Hardy but that is -5 to 1deg.C so probably a bit iffy. The jury seems to be out on the hardiness of the L.belinensis some say it is a fully hardy perennial but others say it is an annual. It is a species so could be either.
17 Feb, 2017
I cant even spell it.
18 Feb, 2017
Diane you only need to grow it and by then the name is kind if irrelevant until someone asks what it is because they would like to own one. I try to label everything I sow and then take photos to go into a ppt. file. It is like my own private library. I tried keeping information in books and promptly lost the book lol. I have tried various labelling systems which have always failed. At the moment I am printing labels on a small gadget I got in Aldi and then the backing comes off to allow them to be stuck on to a plastic label. I had some old metal venetian blinds which I also use. I cut them 8"(20cm) long in the hope that the jackdaws cannot pull them out and take them away. There is a very good article about pronunciation of seemingly impossible latin (biological) names in our latest SRGC magazine. The writer explained that for most names they sound as they look in English with the emphasis on the penultimate syllable. There are a few more rules but I found trying to say them correctly and not getting it right brings forward the correct way of saying it from someone in the group. Androsace is an draw SU say. Capitals indicate the emphasis. I was quickly corrected from saying an dro sas. There are a few other rules she mentions but the great thing is to shed the embarrassment and enjoy the journey. Most members treat it as a given that it is hard to remember everything but someone will know and I do not think the majority of members are Latin scholars. Its a bit like learning the times tables.
24 Feb, 2017
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Gosh you are going to have fun make sure you have your long labels in them all, not sure which you think may take seven years Colchicum maybe ?
Best of luck
13 Feb, 2017