Mid November in my garden
By scottish
We are now into the 2nd half of November and there are few more plants flowering than I expected. Lots of things are now wrapped up for winter and I’ve almost finished clearing out the plants that were turned to mush by the frost last weekend. The borders are quite bare now. Snowdrops however are just popping their noses through the soil and I notice lots of new buds on the Hellebores.
Roses aren’t quite finished yet, the buds frozen in time I think!
The Wedgewood Rose
Lady Emma Hamilton
Warm Welcome
Certainly not so ‘Mellow Yellow’!
Mahonia x media Charity – but where is the promised scent? Surrounded by the remaining flowers of Astrantia Snow Star. Other than the 2 weeks I cut this right back it has flowered since May – quite impressive don’t you think?
I bought some Chrysanthemum plugs late summer 2012 – it’s taken a while but finally they flower. They are not my usual ‘taste’ in flowers.
This sedum grows in a shadier part of the garden. I like the look of Sedum and Heuchera together but they are not ideal companions. It’s taken until November to flower despite the perfect conditions this year. I’ll see how it copes with the winter in this spot.
A few things are just holding on
Cirsium rivulare third time flowering. I’m doubtful of those blooms opening but the buds might look nice with frost on them.
Astilble Red Sentinel throwing up a last bloom
Clematis Josephine I’m glad she’s enjoying her new home.
Some newbies in the garden this Autumn
The pretty little flower on a new Saxifrage. It will find a home in the side garden when weather permits. Meantime it lives comfortably in the cold frame.
Saxifraga Blackberry Apple Pie
A lovely pink tinge on the white flowers of Cyclemen Hederifolium. They made a pretty companion for an Asplenium fern.
Cyclamen hederifolium
I haven’t tried Pansies for a good few years – they are usually decimated by slugs! However, I was searching for a specific sized pot in which to grow some bulbs. The only one suitable came complete with pansies. I’ve planted these near the front door so I can enjoy meantime.
Speaking of pansies – a self sown pansy/viola is using a cotoneaster for a bit of support. Flowers are far too small to appreciate yet I haven’t the heart to pull it – that one I’ll leave for the slugs!
A selection of mostly evergreens in pots on the back step – some are underplanted with bulbs for colour in the spring. The Nandina Gulf Stream is new this autumn.
Some of the Heuchera are looking a bit tatty yet others are still quite presentable this November
Heuchera Beauty Colour
Heuchera Berry Smoothie
To think I complained earlier in the year that Binoche leaves were not as black as they had been last year. They are very dark now – I’m pleased.
Heuchera Binoche
Harts Tongue ferns make a nice foil for others – seen here with Tiarella Spring Symphony
Tiarella Spring Symphony
Soon enough, my favourite, Asplenium scolopendrium Muracatum – I call it Crinkly, will be surrounded by snowdrops.
Asplenium scolopendrium Muricatum
Some of the perennial partners of Euphoria Silver Swan may be gone but I’m still able to admire it’s structure. It stands out against the evergreen foliage of an Escallonia.
Finally – the old makes way for the new! It won’t be long til the hellebore and bulbs are putting on a show in springtime.
Thank you for joining me for my November blog. I haven’t been around as much – no excuse, just time flies!
I’m hoping now that winter is here I’ll have more time to spend on GOY. If it’s cold where you are, wrap up warm!
19 Nov, 2013
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Lovely :o) I enjoyed seeing you your plants ... They're looking good still.
20 Nov, 2013
Thanks Jane - not looking so good today, though!
Snoop - mother nature did a great job this year. Glad to read you veg done as well as my flowers. You must be well pleased!
Thanks Hywel - it's good to have some things looking good this late on but as I said to Jane - not looking so wonderful today! Frosts and winds have seen more things off!
21 Nov, 2013
very wet today.... i planted daffs out.... sticky dirt!!! but they are in... not had to much Frost yet scottish....look forward to your garden next year...for sure :-)))
21 Nov, 2013
And the rest Snoop ;) x
Bought some reduced daffs last week in B&Q - I managed to get them in before the first frosts. Cost me little if they don't appear. Looking forward to yours too Jane :)
21 Nov, 2013
yes...i like you got mine reduced :-) and if they do not appear think the same as you....
21 Nov, 2013
Lovely to see your garden in mid-November, Scottish, amazing what is still hanging on in there! Even though the leaves are falling, there are some wonderful Autumn shades to be seen, aren't there? After a heavy frost this week, the Dahlias and Hydrangeas now have blackened leaves so I spent an hour at Mums this morning tidying her flower borders. Can't tell you how cold my poor feet were at the end of that hour though ... brrr!
23 Nov, 2013
Enjoyed that Scottish. sadly no flowers on my blackberry and apple saxifrage...disappointing. Your mahonia reminded me...there is a really huge mahonia on a miserable housing estate near a big asda store in Dundee and it is absolutely magnificent! covered with blooms. I must try to get a photo of it as it's such a beauty and sits in such a desolate looking spot.
2 Dec, 2013
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everything in your garden looks so lush :-)
19 Nov, 2013